My mom was detected with breqst cancer. First it spread to the liver,chemo was given around a year back. Doctor said results were good. 6months later it led to brain metastasis. Radiation was given. Right now she has been given time to recover from radiation. There is a swelling a little above her stomach,exactly where the liver is. Has it spread on the liver again? We're going to our oncologist tomorrow. What is it? Has the cancer spread on the liver again? Why is this happening
Metastasis : My mom was detected with... - Breast Cancer India

Komal any type of cancer has a chance of recurrence any time in the life. Meet your onco and they will see.
Now how is her overall health?

Hi Komal, by this time u must be knowing cancer relapse behavior not easy to understand so unless until your onco perform some test, commenting on ur query is useless..but now modern science has so many way to treat this critical disease so hope for the best...

i do understand, i have already gone through this painful journey, i can feel your pain but its all depends on god just pray to god and take care of her..
why relapse?
check this

Dear Komal, it's difficult to say about any relapse. From the swelling on the abdomen, one cannot judge. Besides, any spread to liver cannot be realized from outside. The only thing we can make out from outside is whether the liver is enlarged or not. Best to wait for a day and let your Oncologist see and comment. Let us know if any doubt.
He's told us to get a sonography done.

Yes you have to get it done