Breast cancer survivor of 32 years - My Breast Cancer ...

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Breast cancer survivor of 32 years

Lovetheoutdoors profile image
22 Replies

I just wanted to offer hope to others after receiving a diagnosis of breast cancer.

I was diagnosed 32 years ago when I was 39. I had a mastectomy and have been lopsided ever since!! But I'm here. I've seen my children grow up and watched then have children of their own. I even delivered my grandson. It's so hard coming to terms with a cancer diagnosis and even today I feel guilty that some of my dearest cancer buddies have gone before me but I still want to spread the word of hope and survival. Xx

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Lovetheoutdoors profile image
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22 Replies
Syudbx profile image

Thank you so much! I behave been diagnosed twice - at 34 and 36 both small, same side and caught early. I’ve now had a mastectomy so I’m soooo hoping I have a long survival too! I have two young children who I live for! Thanks for sharing your inspirational story x

Lovetheoutdoors profile image
Lovetheoutdoors in reply to Syudbx

All the best to you. The early days are not easy. It was the first and last thing I thought of every day. But, be positive. Im writing a memoir of my journey to give other women hope.

But in the meantime Ive written a fictional romance story where the main character has recovered from breast cancer. It's available on Amazon. Its called The Hideaway. All monies that I get from the sale of this book are being donated to the South Central Ambulance Service. They were there for me when I needed them earlier this year and I wanted to give something back. Every penny will help them. JC

infamousyoda profile image

That's absolutely fantastic. Never feel guilty for being a survivor, fighting cancer and giving everyone hope. Many congratulations.

Lovetheoutdoors profile image
Lovetheoutdoors in reply to infamousyoda

All the best to you. The early days are not easy. It was the first and last thing I thought of every day. But, be positive. Im writing a memoir of my journey to give other women hope.

But in the meantime Ive written a fictional romance story where the main character has recovered from breast cancer. It's available on Amazon. Its called The Hideaway. All monies that I get from the sale of this book are being donated to the South Central Ambulance Service. They were there for me when I needed them earlier this year and I wanted to give something back. Every penny will help them. JC

Incurablecancer profile image

Wow that's amazing , have you been getting chemotherapy for 32 years , I'm coming into my 8 year with having chemotherapy every 3 weeks and I'm starting radiotherapy next 2 weeks again but I'm still hanging in there fighting this disease, wishes u another 32 years xx

Oldmegone profile image

Gives hope to us all! I'm 2 years since diagnosis. Fingers crossed. 😊

Lovetheoutdoors profile image
Lovetheoutdoors in reply to Oldmegone

Thanks. I wish you all the best. Stay positive. Its not easy in the early days but it does get easier.x

That's wonderful! Thanks for sharing.

Lila16 profile image

Thank you so much for sharing this it gives me hope! I was diagnosed last March, around the same time that coronovirus kicked off. I was initially told I had a large tumour and would need a mastectomy, but because of coronovirus I might not be able to have one for 4 months! I was also told I would need chemo and radiotherapy, but again they were not sure if I would get the treatment I needed. I was very lucky as they were able to fit me in for the surgery and I have subsequently been through chemo. Unfortunately it didn't go smoothly as I was really ill and ended up in hospital with sepsis for 2 weeks, but I'm through it now! I'm currently waiting to start radiotherapy and am hoping to be finished by Christmas. As I near the end of my treatment I've started thinking more about the future and how much future I've actually got! I have 2 young children and I'm desperate to see them grow up and to be here for them as long as possible. It's wonderful to hear that you have been able to do just that for your children and that there is hope. Thank you again!

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to Lila16

Hey Lila I had sepsis twice during chemo & ended up in hospital both times. Im 6yrs since diagnosis still in remission & doing well. Looking forward to my retirement & hope I have many years ahead to enjoy it. I value everyday & am sooo grateful for the amazing doctors & their treatment......which am sure will have improved further since they treated me.

Take heart. None of us know how long we are destined to be here.....for many people think they will have their 8 score plus years but all thats happened for us cancer survivors is we have had that illusion broken & we understand how special every year of life is. Enjoy!

Lila16 profile image
Lila16 in reply to waveylines


Thanks for this, it's good to hear you are doing well so many years on. You also have a very good way of putting it, I guess noone really knows how long they've got but in usual circumstances you just wouldn't think about it too much whereas cancer makes you think about it that bit sooner. On the positive side, as you say, it can make you treasure your time more. I had my first radiotherapy session today which seemed to go ok. The radiotherapist was lovely and kept reassuring me and telling me not to worry about asking any questions. Considering he sees up to 30 patients a day I did really appreciate him taking the time to be so kind and considerate. I hope you enjoy your retirement when the time comes. Best wishes!

Lovetheoutdoors profile image

Dear Lila16

If I can give some hope thats what I want to do. Its an awful diagnosis and I found it was made worse by remarks from others; negative remarks. But, like I said, 32 years later I am still here, living my life. Be positive, I am sure it helps. Keep in touch x

Lila16 profile image
Lila16 in reply to Lovetheoutdoors

Thanks for this Yes it's important to keep positive and most days I do manage it but I have some off days. My family and friends have kept me going and it's so nice to hear that it is possible to live a life of 35 more years rather than 10 or less!

Rufusmom profile image

I was diagnosed almost precisely a year ago (Stage 1a). Caught early on routine mammogram and had surgery/lumpectomy/radiation therapy. I feel wonderful and am so grateful for excellent medical care, including a naturopathic oncologist. AAR, it's still hard to look very far into the future and so I really appreciate your sharing your story. Some days I think I'd be lucky to have another 10 years (which I would be grateful for of course), but you showed me to dream bigger and believe, really believe, it is possible.

One question: is there anything to which you attribute your excellent outcome? Lifestyle? Nutrition? Or maybe just attitude? Also did you take anti-estrogens, and if so, for how long? I have resisted taking an AI because of all the potential side effects, but sometimes second-guess myself and wonder if I am making the right decision.

Thank you again for sharing your story. I can't wait to read your memoir and will check out your Amazon book. Cheers!

Lovetheoutdoors profile image
Lovetheoutdoors in reply to Rufusmom

Lovely to hear from you. I had a lumpectomy followed by a mastectomy in 1988. I didn't take tamoxifen. (30 odd years ago it was just being offered.)I honestly think stress paid an important role in me developing cancer. I was in a very unhappy situation at the time, I was grieving from the loss of my dearest Mum and wishing a year my husband and I were getting divorced. THEN, I started my new life. An incredibly content one. I met a wonderful man who accepted me just as I am, lopsided and all! We have been married for 26 years. But, I wouldn't change a thing about the past. I have three wonderful children from my first marriage, 6 grandchildren who I adore and I accept that life throws us challenges at times. Each of those challenges I have had to get through, kicking and screaming at times about the unfairness of it all. Afterwards I think, 'that is past.'

Hope you take a look at my book The Hideaway. Its a romance. The inspiration came from visiting the White Lady Falls. It also has pieces in there about USA as I lived there for 3 years. The main character has had breast cancer. you write what you know! take care. x

Rufusmom profile image
Rufusmom in reply to Lovetheoutdoors

I agree about stress...something that doesn't get addressed as often as it should in causes of cancer. I lost my husband (who was British by the way) in 2011, and 8 years later was diagnosed. I was told that my kind of cancer, which was slow growing had probably taken about 8 years to become visible. So bingo. Thank you again for being a positive inspiration. Cheers :-)

Incurablecancer profile image

Wow. I've had cancer the last 7 years

With chemotherapy every year . I was just wondering have you been on chemotherapy every year from your first diagnosis,

Lovetheoutdoors profile image

I never had chemo. I didn't know they administer it every year. Hopefully that will end at some point. take care x

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to Lovetheoutdoors

They dont! Many of us have a series of chemo sessions during initial treatment and dont need more unless the cancer reoccurs.

waveylines profile image

Amazing and inspirational! Thanks Love theoutdoors. 😀🤗🤗

msmuffintop profile image

thank you for that word of hope

nanda29 profile image

Amazing, thank you 🙏

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