Breast pain 18 months on: Is anyone... - My Breast Cancer ...

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Breast pain 18 months on

louise007 profile image
16 Replies

Is anyone else still getting breast pain after 18 months ..Had lump removed and twenty sessions of radiotherapy so no treatment for over twelve months now .I was told that it is damage from radiotherapy hence the very lumpy breast now and I have a fair bit of scare tissue on the left side . Told some ladies experience this but I have yet to find one .😊.Had my mammogram a few weeks ago and all ok but this time it did hurt I was really squashed!.perhaps this hasn't helped..I am not a person who moans about pain but this is getting boring now ! Any advice ?

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louise007 profile image
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16 Replies
Lainey66 profile image

I am 8 months post surgery. I am getting darting pains in left area after a double mastectomy. I have appt on 19th Sept :/

louise007 profile image
louise007 in reply to Lainey66

My buddy had a mastectomy twenty years ago and she can get those pains. She has done well given 5% chance and still going strong ..daily battles for her but she's a fighter...oncologists are amazed by her .you take care and hope all goes well on 19th .my next appointment is 1 DEcember.The trouble is every little pain or discomfort etc our minds work overtime .only natural but I find it hard sometimes to switch off and get on with things .

Lainey66 profile image
Lainey66 in reply to louise007

Im exactly the same, lol. All the brst for you too xx

SarahL321 profile image

Hi, it's 2 years since my bilateral lumpectomy, followed by chemo, radiotherapy and then Herceptin. It's 6 months since my last treatment and my left side is still aching and sore. I find the gently massaging the area helps. My right side, completely different - no problems at all. I've been told that it's due to the treatment and will ease in time. I had my annual mammogram in June, and it was certainly more painful than previous ones - I ended up crying and feeling lime a complete fool - 'crying over a mammogram; whatever next?' I have some good friends, and a fantastic husband, plus the posts on this forum to make me feel that it's ok to ache, be sore, cry, shout out in frustration and carry on being me. All the best xx

louise007 profile image
louise007 in reply to SarahL321

i was the same as you in the mammogram i got all emotional and felt rather silly especially when they told me no one at the hospital to read the mammogram . I was squashed more but she told me she needed to do that to get a better reading so i am all for that but wasnt prepared for the emotion behind it . I dont like popping pain killers i just bear it most of the time but sometimes your emotions run away with you . you take care and stay well xxx

Shewer profile image

Hi i had surgery in May 2015 and i am still sore the breast clinic said it could be another yr with discomfort.I had 2 tumours removed skin graft and a reduction on both sides.It takes a lot of healing.The lumpiness in my right where cancer was is starting to be less.I am still sore.Hope this helps.

louise007 profile image
louise007 in reply to Shewer

Hi it does indeed help .. just finding people in the same position gives me comfort although we would all be best pain free I suppose we need to be aware we are all different and have different healing patterns and timescales . Perhaps i was a little dumb thinking after the operation all would be well and pain free . I can get my head round it most of the time but perhaps on those few down days the pain seems more intense and we are less able to cope with it . You stay well and take care ..

lovesradio profile image

Girls try googling Post Mastectomy Pain Syndrome, it's a real condition caused mainly by nerve endings being aggravated and not calming back down I think

louise007 profile image

Thanks ...this lead me to Google post lumpectomy pain and found some information on pain relief said cold cabbage leaves...try anything really ..don't sleep very well and when I do get off and roll into my left side the pain wakes me up.So all tips are good tips .Take care xx

BernM59 profile image

Hi Louise. I had a bilateral mastectomy in April 2016 and, four months and 25 sessions of radiotherapy later I am still on painkillers for petty severe post mastectomy pain - you are not alone! This is not helped by my continuing three weekly herceptin infusions that make my body swell up and this makes the pain worse.

This pain seems to be caused by a combination of scar tissue, fluid retention on the chest area caused by lymph node removal and cording (wierd rope like tissue attached to the wound and stretching down my arm)

I have found acupuncture, tapping techniques (look this up on you tube), exercise (aqua aerobics) really helps. I also got a lot of Physio help - she showed me how to do manual lymph drainage every night, wound massage, and stretching and strengthening exercises and these too are gradually helping the pain recede to the point now that I am going to start coming off the painkillers next week.

Take care and look after yourself - I hope done of this helps..

louise007 profile image

Thank you .Acupuncture sounds good and i am sure they do it at my local hospital aswell . I have heard that helps with the hot flushes with tamoxifen . I do have a fair amount of scar tissue which i had to have checked out via an ultrasound last year after a check up .Take care and stay well.x

annemarie123456 profile image

Yes have had wide margin lumpectomy a year ago last may, have had 38 sessions of radiation which my breast was so sore, bleeding etch. All cleared up now but still have that awful pain in my bob and under arm. Going back to surgeon next week again as I had been in hospital with pain 2weeks ago so they made appointment with my surgeon to see what the story is. Feeling unwell and in a lot of pain. Understand exactly what you are going thru. Hope you better soon 😂😘

louise007 profile image
louise007 in reply to annemarie123456

It's not pleasant and difficult to deal with at times ..I did read somewhere tamoxifen can cause pain at the site of the tumour and radiotherapy can have lasting effects .please let me know how you get on with your's a lot to cope with emotionally as people don't get it and sometimes I really think some think you are being dramatic as they think so long after you are ok now and say back to "normal" when those people ask me how I feel I always say fine because they don't want to know anyway .I try not to have those type of people in my life .I can still get discomfort from the seatbelt . I did have an ultrasound and I had a lot of scar tissue building up. Stay well.

annemarie123456 profile image

Hope you feeling better Louise, went to see consultant they did ultra sound and found a thick mass on breast so they drained it a bit. Putting me on taxifon or whatever its called, even though I am well over the menopause,I stopped the aromasin few weeks as had terrible pain as I have Ra and osteoporosis. Hope we all get better soon

louise007 profile image

Hi , Glad to here nothing nasty was found and they could do something to hopefully relieve some pain and discomfort . I am on tamoxifen too for another 8.5 years .. such fun ! My next appointment is 1st December so i shall bring it all up then but i dont like to moan as so many people are in a worst position that me . I think i just need a break . Having a week off in October my last holiday in June spent 10 days in bed with proper flu so really need some time out of the rat race and regroup . Take Care and stay well .

Aussielouise profile image

Hi louise. Looking for answers myself and came across your post. I still have pain and swelling 6 months after lumpectomy and radiation. It's gets so sore and my breast swells. I still haven't returned to work as I have a physical job and also I have other health issues.

My surgeon made me feel like I was making a fuss when I saw him last week.

Just wondered how you're doing now? Did it eventually settles down?

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