Hello,I was wondering if anyone has experienced lymphedema in their arm 1 year + after a sentinel node biopsy. I had a hysterectomy procedure yesterday and they told me I can't have IV's, blood draws or blood pressure checks in my right arm because they removed lymph nodes. I had a colonoscopy in October and since then I have had a swollen hand ,numb fingers and tingling in my arm. I believe because the IV was placed in my right arm. Has anyone else had an experience like this? or know anything about it? Thanks in advance!
Lymphedema after mastectomy & sentine... - My Breast Cancer ...
Lymphedema after mastectomy & sentinel node biopsy

I think this might be too late for you, Fallin77, but here was what I was told following my mastectomy.
Never have anything on the affected side. This is because the lymph nodes are there to catch infections and some of them have been removed during surgery ( to check whether or not the cancer cells have got that far). So your arm that side is not protected against -
Injections/ vaccinations/shots
Injury (so if you are gardening, obviously with gloves on, and your arm is scratched by a rose bush that you’re pruning then cleanse the injury straight away). If you wash up by hand wear rubber gloves in case you cut yourself on a knife or puncture yourself with a fork
Blood pressure monitor - because you could just burst the remaining nodes with the pressure of the armband
Drawing blood from the affected side - is an injury just like any other
Having IV medication - as above.
And tell your nearest and dearest just in case you have an accident and a paramedic treats you
I’m just sorry you weren’t told this - not all nurses and docs would necessarily be aware so it’s up to the patient to be vigilant.
Just for my own interest, has everyone else been told this?
Thank you so much for this information. I wish I would have been told this 😕 sooner.Now, I worry I may have permanent damage to my arm. People just don't care you know. I too would like to hear more from anyone who has had this problem.
Thank you so much for sharing this with me. Take care!
No. First time I hear about this issue. Just had bloodwork done today and they used the arm on my affected side, plus I've had a Covid booster in that arm. So far no negative effects.
Hi yes you can't have blood pressure, needles in that arm or tatoos.if you have not been diagnosed .speak to your breast nurse she will refer you too lymphadema clinic fir assement and treatment.im managing mine fine with the sleeves. Look out for cellulitis iv had it twice.keep it well creamed and sun lotion in summer.im 5 years now.anne
I have lymphedema in my right arm, which occurred 18 years after my BC diagnosis, and I now have been referred to a specialist. I fortunately was told not to have blood draws etc. in the said arm, but with the occurrence of MBC it flared up.
I recommend Contacting your oncologist right away and ask for a referral to lymphedema therapy. Tell the doctor what happened. Lymphedema therapists will teach you lymphatic drainage techniques, also ask about getting a compression sleeve and glove. There are also machines you can get that can help. All is expensive so going through the doctor and insurance is preferred. Im so sorry you were not informed about this. You can also get a medical alert bracelet. But your voice is the best alert going forward.