Phew back home now after 8 days in bed, fighting a horrible chest infection ,which developed as my bone marrow ,immune system hit the wall. I didn't know what had struck me, and had two hospital admissions to try to halt the march of the toxic have been on continual Iv antibiotics for the last 3 days languishing in the cancer ward at BGH. The professional admissions team were superb.. simply amazing .Without their expertise my friends and family would be practising the Maori farewell song "Now is the Hour", ..! It shocked me that what was a very simple cold turned into a monster . only controlled by the meds. Now there is just over a week to build up strength for session n 2. It may be easier next time and Im going to try to manage it better. Still it did give me a chance to learn more about what was on offer here if the Chemo was given in the cancer ward rather than at home...
Thinking of you all and do hope things are working out for the friends who have current hills to climb.With love Denise