Today i found out that I at a very high risk of getti g breast options are tamoxifen or masectomey. I have Lobular cacinoma in situ LCIS, ADH and fea. Has any tried Tamoxifen? Lookkng for any feedback
Tamoxifen: Today i found out that I at... - My Breast Cancer ...

Hi. This is a very personal decision. You don’t mention your age which is a big factor. I have had a single mastectomy and am on tamoxifen. If I had the option of one or the other, I would chose to have a mastectomy. I am 50. My reasons for this are because of the awful side effects I’ve had with tamoxifen. Many people are fine with it though so this is very much my personal choice. Good luck with everything. Xx
I agree this is a very personal decision and such a difficult choice too. For me I would want to know which gives me the higher level of protection. Nothing is guaranteed of course. I too have had a mastectomy and am now on Tamoxifen. I experience side effects although not to the degree some ladies do. I recovered quickly after the mastectomy ( I also had an immediate reconstruction) and am very happy with the way my body looks. Good luck with whichever path you choose. X
I’ve been on Tamoxifen for a little over a month now. No side effects so far. I take it at 8pm every night. My doctor told me it is motabolized through your Liver and that the Liver works better while you sleep. 😊
I had a lumpectomy chemo rad and tried two other aromatase inhibitors (letrozole and arimidex) and had horrible awful side effect and it was a quality of life choice. I have been on Tamoxifen for 3 months and it has been fine. I do get sweats a lot but I am willing to accept it after all the other troubles. It makes me sleepy so I take it at bedtime. Best of luck with your decision. You will know which is right for you.
Thank you