My mother who is in her 70's in UK had breast cancer in 2007
She had radiopherapy alone and
did not want Chemo as she would only have a 5 % chance of it returning without chemo over the years .
It went into remission in 2009
now 10 years later had pain in back at night and started to walk with a shuffle and needed ti hold onto rails when walking Gps gave her opiods after a few months sent her for CT scan with her Oncologist Gp diagnosed pluerisy took 2 months to get the result said ok just small object in breast no concern waited to be sent for Xray from July up to present no success
Recently admitted to hospital spinal ward as she could not stand lost bladder control. She was told by Hospital doctors will have surgery and a 50% chance of removing the Cancer Tumor now different story new Doctor oncology consultant says she has multiple lesions and cant have surgery .Looks like spread from my original breast cancer remission.All has been discussed with her MDT and this is now where the new decision comes from.Not having surgery i found out makes the prognosis even worse.Would it be of any help to get a second opinion?
Contacted a professor in this field in UK but no emailreply.
Is private treatment an option?
rather than opting for the NHS lottery?
think she had some chemo
had somesuccess in moving legs and toes in hospital been awaiting tranfer to another hospital 12 days now.Her other health issue carotid stroke 1yr ago.
thanks for any help or ideas on treatment .