well tomorrow I have my second cycle ...I'm dreading it ..how stupid is that ? I now know what to expect and was okish on the first one ....horrible week ,,my hair started shedding three days ago and lots of it as my hair is thick ..I did use the cooling cap and still have lots of hair but its visibly thinner ...so yesterday I wore my wig to the doctors and then went to town on the bus ...I was very proud of myself as a couple of months ago just the thought of wearing a wig made me sick ...then today I spent all day at slimming world ...I lost two pounds ...and wore my wig ...out of 200 ladies ..only two noticed but they knew I was having chemo ....so although lots of down things ...ive compensated of lots of highs ...and I have to say ..I love my wig ...if my head wasn't itching so much I would be inclined to just wear it all the time .....so here goes tomorrow ..I pray its a s kind to me as last time, hope everyone is well and happy lots of love xxxx
second cycle tomorrow ...: well... - My Breast Cancer ...
second cycle tomorrow ...

It's not stupid to dread your treatment, sending good luck love and hugs for tomorrow xxx
Keep finding the positives 😊 You’ve got this. Sending hugs xxxx
Just keep thinking of all those cancer cells being killed off. Praying all goes smoothly for you you.x
It's ok to feel as you do. You are looking for the positives which will help you through too. #rockingthewig x
The wig isnt so bad in the season for hats...but in summer mine got so wet, I dripped from the inside. That itchy feeling never completely wore off in a wig but loved my straight blond hair, Good luck!
Hi Jack, well done, the fact you can find silver linings shows you're hanging in there!!
I too shed loads after the first chemo and told everyone I was jacking in the cold cap as had had enough.. but I didn't, you will loose lots of volume but should keep a fair covering. Make sure it's on nice and snug or you'll get bald patches like I did! (Check the chin strap's the right length I needed a bigger one as was very uncomfortable so emailed Paxman- they sent one within a few days so had ready for the next chemo)
My hair grew back really fast and I stopped wearing hats a couple of months after finishing. (Didn't wear a wig as worked from home so wore woolly hats when out and about)
Hope it goes ok for you 💐 look after yourself..
nix xx
Hi Nix I had a bad night last night was awful sick ...but the nurse forgot to tell me to take a tablet at 9pm so that was why .. she assumed I knew ....I'm OK now ..still losing hair but as you say it is volume length is still there and as it's such thick hair and a lot of it it's so dramatic ...immediately going to carry on now you said ...I'm mm praying it may ease off a bit now ...but not sure ...thankyou for your positive message it has helped ....I'm mm have no time for negative things at the mo xxxx
Poor you, yes missing tablets will make you feel pants if you still feel really bad ask for Emend anti sickness .. is the rolls Royce of anti sickness but expensive so they don't always offer straight away... I used the Macmillan app on my phone that reminded me when tablets were due, worth a look maybe??
yes I have super thick hair (is super curly now was only a bit curly before!) the shedding does slow down.. . Look after it though .. I didn't wash often, once a week and I used Philip Kingsley no perfume no colour shampoo and conditioner as is so mild and didn't smell of anything so didn't make me feel ill.. didn't comb and tried not to touch it either.
Hope the fog lifts soon for you, just look after yourself and you'll soon feel a bit better,
Big hugs,
Nix xx
Hi Jackearls ever so sorry to hear you’ve been so sick again. Here’s a tip I picked up from here.
I was sent home with an additional anti sickness pill called metaclopramide (or mteproclamide.....I always get that one mixed up). I was advised by the hospital to take metaclopramide if I was sick when I got home. In fact I would take it as soon as I got home as some ladies on here chose to do.
I hope this helps with your future treatments. We are all here for you 😊.
Sending love and hugs 🤗❤️🤗 Deb xx