I was driving today and pulled over when something went into my eye... It was an offending hair, but where had it come from? A feint fluttering on my right cheek was noted to be hairs... lots of small hairs! What the heck? where were they from? I looked in the mirror and lo and behold... my right brow had 'disappeared'. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry... laughter won! I touched the left brow to see if that was firmly in place. The answer was NO! it followed suit, with hairs falling off the brow, not unlike lemmings off a cliff. Soooo how did I entertain myself on a dreary wet and grey afternoon.... The Brow Wig.....
Bye Bye Brows: I was driving today and... - My Breast Cancer ...
Bye Bye Brows

Love your brow wigs.!
They must have been strong little lemmings to survive 3 rounds of chemo, mine have thinned a bit along with my eyelashes.!
Lainey that's hilarious! Loving the cartoon strip 😆. When I lost hair I was looking out for hair on my head coming away and every morning there was a pillow check and I would shower with apprehension but it was my never regions that the hair disappear first- I looked like a plucked chicken!
Humour rules each time xx

Indeed it does. It what helps us carry on xxx

That's where I lost mine from firstly too brows only thinned keep on laughing and fighting x
Oh, to have a laugh about a potentially serious subject! Thank you!
Love the pic and love your sense of humor! It serves you well as you go through treatment. I remember the story of actress Lana Turner. She played a slave girl in one of her early movies and had to shave off her brows and draw new ones to fit her role. They never grew back! And she was a movie star celebrity. So if she didn't need brows, we don't need brows. Hang in there. Yours will probably grow back. If they don't, you've got it covered.
This made me laugh this morning. My brows didn't disappear completely but thinned to just a few hairs. They are growing back now x
Ha ha.....I miss my eyebrows and eyelashes too. Went to a well known high street chemist for advice and she gave me an eyebrow pencil (new to me). Had a few goes at eyebrow artistry and failed miserably. Apart from failing to get two to look remotely the same, I was not impressed by the end result. So eyebrowless til they decide to reappear 😃
Mine are sparse and almost white 9 years on after regrowth after FEC-T chemo. My efforts with eyebrow pencil are like yours Cath31 so now I just wear my fringe long enough to just about cover them!
Hey there Ladies it is great to have this site to share and laugh, joke and if need be have a moan. I'm glad this mad you all laugh and smile. The things that occupy my mind now is seeing as much humour in my situation as I can as laughter is definitely the best medicine in my book. Love, hugs and positive healing thoughts, wishes and vibes to you all ❤️❤️
Oh Lainey that did make me howl with laughter! I'm just in the middle of 3 rather grim night shifts, sat down for my tea and opened the page and roared with laughter! Laughter the best tonic ever, keep paddling Lainey you'll get there xx
Lainey your such an inspiration. Like Emonty I lost my hair from my nether region first , I remember going to flush the toilet & thinking what on earths that, looked like a hedgehog had crawled in there , lol . Take care
Haha, was just putting wig back in the box it came in and noticed it had a style name, lainey!!! How funny x

Lol... was it short and curly? I used to have dark curly hair that was starting to go grey at the sides so I decided to be daring and had it coloured completely silver. Typical, I find a colour and style I finally (in nearly 50 years) like and get cancer and lose it all ha ha ha. After my first chemo it was growing back totally gray almost white. I haven't had a proper head of hair since last November. In fact I am so used to being bald now It will be strange having hair again. It is growing back in patches at the moment and uneven clumps, so I may shave it until it all grows properly together. xx
No, its was long and copper brown with abit of a side fringe going on! I've had a few grey hairs come through, probably there before but not seen my real colour in years, now I'm wigless people are commenting that they didn't realise I was so dark (I'm very dark brown) and I say, neither did I!! You know what, I've gone from being quite overly concerned with my appearance to not really giving a hoot what the world thinks. My kids don't need me to have hair, or boobs or eyebrows to be a good mother, my friends don't need me to be in 'party mode' 24/7 to be a great friend. Anyone that thinks anything about me just needs me to be me, come what may and actually I've felt that since going through this, life has moved on, everyone has moved on, but actually its I that has moved on, I have grown, I have climbed Everest and standing at the summit I'm waiting for everyone else to catch up x

I have to agree, at first I thought my life had stood still and friends and colleague moved on. I see everything so different and yes I have moved on in attitude, outlook, tolerance. I'm so used to being bald now I wonder why some folks are looking at me 😜😜 yes I still have a battle but I'm enjoying life and appreciating it so much more xx
Lainey, just a thought, how would you feel about writing a piece about your eyebrows escaping, putting some pics with it and leaving at your Oncology unit, just thinking someone going through a tough time it may put a small smile on their face, and help them deal with losing their eyebrows, x
That's a good idea. I may actually do that. I have written a blog with trials and tribulations along with laughter. My GP contacted me and asked if she could direct patients to it. I'm glad it's helping folk xx
I read your blog Lainey and your description of losing your eyebrows was hysterical - really made me laugh on a day when I had taken to the bed, feeling miserable....so thanks a million for that bern xx
I am delighted that it cheered you up. I hope you are feeling much better today. I think a walk along the beach or a trip to relax and feed the swans is in the crates for me today. Sending you a big hug Bernie. Lainey x
Gorgeous day, and you are lucky to be so near the sea... i am better today after a night of flicking through cancer sites trying to find out more about post mastectomy pain...
I am eyeing up the weather and thinking of a stroll along the canal with our very lazy dog....clothes for no less than 3 weddings in the next couple of months, and the springstein concert that i am going to on Fri, come hell or high water, pain or not!!
have a good one Lainey. take good care Bernxx
I prefer your schedule to mine 😂 Just data collating for a colleague, then feeding the swans, then sorting out clothes for my sojourn to St Luke's for the next five weeks for my radiotherapy 😜😜 lol you take care too and enjoy that lovely fresh air and wedding preps... Absolutely enjoy the concert too (photo😊) enjoy Bern. Lainey xx
Tunnel Of Love is a whole new song to me since my diagnosis.
I love your attitude. My brows have thinned out a lot but aren't completely gone. Most of my other hair has gone. I enjoy not shaving my legs and all the time I don't need to spend on my hair. But those darn "man whiskers", the nasty things that have haunted me since highschool are determined to hang on. So I am bald but can still grow a goatee😂😂 crazy cancer. We will kick this.
I'm delighted to hear you have man whiskers 😂😂😂 so do I. Bald as a billiard ball in most other areas however when I stand in the light you see this fuzz surrounding my checks and chin.... I just told my lads that chemo is turning me into a Wookie 😂😂😂