Hello I am new to this site and I live in France is that ok to be a member and as questions?
Problems after reconstruction mastectomy - My Breast Cancer ...
Problems after reconstruction mastectomy

Hello MRK-3
Welcome 💐 we are a bit of an International Band, so yes of course go ahead & ask whatever is concerning you.
Best Wishes
Mrs N x

Thank you for your reply, just realised my name sounds a bit iffy sorry no offence meant.
Since my reconstruction surgery I have had lots of problems had to remain in hospital for 8 weeks instead of 9 days, first one started with 800mm fluid removed from my back which I kept telling them was really painful. Second one was an infection at the top of my breast, third was a blood transfusion and fourth is an abcess to the right of my breast which has been treated for 6 weeks but has still not gone away although nurses have stopped treating it and hope it goes away on its own. What else can happen?
Oh Bless You 💕
Don't worry about the Name, it's hard to choose one, someone told me my tag was 'hard' l explained it was Glamorous 💅🏼
It certainly sounds as if you've been through a great deal but surely they can't leave you to wait & see? Have you had oral antibiotics & have you been back to see the Consultant who did the Surgery & is he fully aware of all that has happened to you?
Have you had other treatment, Chemo, Meds or Radiotherapy?
Some of the others in the group will be along shortly who have had reconstructive surgery with their experience & may be able to offer ideas.
I have had a Mastectomy but no reconstruction due to another underlying Rheumatic condition & being on steroids.
I feel this definitely needs more treatment & the Surgeons need updating on the current situation.
My Very Best Wishes
Angela xx aka Mrs 💅🏼

Hi Angela,
I have had 8 days and then 10 days of oral antibiotics and when I got home I got Bronchitis and was given seven days antibiotic injections which helped both the abcess and the bronchitis but I am still getting swelling on the top of my breast which I think could be fluid.
I believe the surgeon knows, I was back at the Hospital on the 3rd of February but it was the intern not the surgeon and he said see you in six months.
I just do not know what to do for the best being difficult for me because my French is rubbish.
Sorry to hear you could not get a reconstruction but I now wish I had not.
Take care
Maggie xx
You definetly cannot just be left, do you have a Breast Care Nurse who works with the Breast Unit, was it these Nurses who treated you?
Do you have a friend who speaks good French? Then you could ring the Consultant's Secretary to update him on the situation or ring the BCUnit where you were first diagnosed & speak to a senior Nurse.
If I had any issues I just rang my Unit & they'd see you that day & go from there.
Alternatively, go see your GP & ask him to get you seen & treated.
Please don't suffer in silence, l wish I could help you more.
My Very Best Wishes 🌺
Love Angela xx
You are so very kind, no breast care nurse just community nurses. Think the best idea is to see my doctor and get him to speak to surgeon and get an appointment to see the surgeon asap.
Love you,
Maggie xxx
Sounds the best way forward, please let us know how you get on.
Best Wishes 🌺
PS there's a little down arrow in a box at the bottom of the post which you can press & edit, I use it a lot! 😂
sorry meant to say love to you
I sure hope things get better for you. I would talk to a different surgeon or an infectious disease doctor. Stay strong.
Welcome to this site. It has a great bunch of people with lots of different ideas and advice. How awful for you. It definitely sounds as though you need a second opinion asap. They can't just leave you to wait and see!!
Hope you find someone sympathetic to your needs very soon. Big hugs xx
Hi Maggie,
If you are in any pain please seek help from your doctors, you shouldn't have to put up with that, a little discomfort at first after surgery is normal, but anything other than that seek help.
Deb x
I had a renstruction, and I had an infection that was persistent from several months they tried antibiotics in the end I had a minor surgery under general anaesthetic which found the root of the infection had a small drain put in, this completely solved the problem and I have had no further problems in the lady 7 Years. Hope the problem doesn't s solved.
Definitely worth asking this solved my problem in 2-3 weeks
Hi there what problems are you dealing with. I also had a double mastectomy with reconstructive surgery
Hello Sabrina4,
My initial posting explained everything I have been through but the problem at the moment is an abcess that is still a problem after about 6 weeks and also a swelling near to it. There is also still a lot of pain and discomfort since the op. on the 14th December.
Maggie x