Hi all,has anyone tried this bottle green lemonade with mint,it's lovely specially when everything tastes horrible,someone who came up with it must have had chemo!
Lemonade with Mint! : Hi all,has anyone... - My Breast Cancer ...
Lemonade with Mint!
Ooooo where can I get some of that? Never heard of it before 😊😊😊
I'm ok now but my sister is going through chemotherapy so will get some for her, thank you!
Hey there Emonty. I am sorry to hear about your sister. Inhope she makes a full recovery. How are you keeping yourself? Hope all is going well for you xx
My sister also has breast cancer and on her third chemotherapy cycle and we know how that feels, the frustrating part is that her care is poor, very poor. She was quite unwell with diahorrea and vomiting but when she rang the hospital they advised to stay at home and monitored by phone calls! I'm ok, still have an open wound but they are applying a Pico vacuum dressing next week to promote healing inside out, look it up as quite interesting but the down side is that still no exercise and it has a battery pack that I've been told might buzz, people's imagination may go wild! 😃 I'm back at work, loving it but exhausted so I'm slowing it down a little and working from home on some days. How are you doing?
I did some fundraising last weekend and had an extended interview with Anne Diamond on BBC radio Berkshire on 25th August, you can still listen to it now; we have raised over 4,500 pounds for a faxitron machine for the breast cancer unit.
Well done Emonty. I am so sorry to hear about your sister. Is she able take imodium whilst on chemo, it will help stop the diahorrea. Although I have not returned to work as such, I have been working from home for the Professional Development Services for Teachers. I have also put my artistic talents to good use and sold a painting of which I donated 50% to St Lukes Hospital for Cancer. I have received two more commissions. I am donating to proceeds to Breast Cancer Research. I am not returning to work this academic year as my job can be quite physical (I teach pupils on the Autism Spectrum and sometimes they can be quite physical) after 9.5 months of chemo and 25 sessions of radiotherapy, I have not got the strength for that yet. I am also using this time to consider a career change, even early retirement and take on something less demanding. I am going to check out your intreview now. Do you have a link to it? How long have you had that wound now? xxx
Sounds like a wise move. Here's the link bbc.co.uk/programmes/p043ll2j
Let me know what you think. X
My goodness, you could have been talking about my own experience. You spoke so eloquently and expressed the same concerns as myself. I wrote a blog about my experiences elainemurphy66.blogspot.com I am returning to the hospital on the 19th for my first review. I have to attend every three months for the next 2 years. Then every 6 months for three years then after that once a year. Thank you for sharing your link. xx
I will read your blog, in fact we can read each others, mine is
Well done,sorry to hear your sister is also going through this. Your interview was very good, the look made me laugh. I got the look at my mammogram, then had second mammogram, then to a different area for ultrasound where they kept doing the look, then to a different area to be squeezed in for biopsy, , as a nurse I knew the look. I told my husband when I got home that I was fairly sure it was cancer just not sure how bad, sure enough...... I bet the staff would never believe the look gives so much away.
Thanks, glad I'm not alone in reading the look! X
I used to have the ginger one .. I would have loved the lemonade & mint !! Great invention x
I had the ginger one too-fiery!I'm stocking up for my next round of chemo☺ x
Hi All. i dont know that brand but i am a BIG fan of Mojitos, so it would be something i would love.. just as a matter of interest 7up also do a version of their sugar free 7 up now, which they call Mojito, and it's basically same thing.. mint flavoured 7up and is absolutely delish.
I had a very slow healing wound and as i needed to start chemo and they didnt want me to start when it was still an open wound, so they did a manuka honey dressing, medical grade manuka honey.. it actually did speed things up nicely, cleared all the necrotic tissue from the edges of the wound and made the wound very clean and that meant they didnt have to do a job debriding it. was the scar under my breast, which i guess just had a lot of movement and weight and made it hard to knit together.
Sorry to hear your sister is going through such a terrible time Emonty. Hospital possibly think she has the vomiting bug so are trying to protect others, but it's awful that she has to deal with it at home, they should have recommended she get in the on call doctor or something.
Hope all well. i'm starting college tomorrow!!! so excited i might be making annoying noises and talking about it all the time.
I'm also going for a little op at the end of the month for scar tidy up on my hips, after diep flap op last year. (dog ears for those in the know!).. so i'm looking forward to another step in the journey being over with..
xx gracie.