I read a lot of the blogs on here. My condition was very different. I had lung cancer in my right breast! Very few cases all over the world (30 in all?). It was small cell. I was diagnosed in June 2015 just after having a hysterectomy in the May! First I was told a mastectomy and then the oncologist said no. Chemo followed by lumpectomy once he had strung the tumour. First type of chemos I had were for breast cancer and the did nothing. It was then changed for four more treatments which involved platinum based chemo. It shrunk straightaway! I had six chemos in all. Two lumpectomies as the first didn't take enough and then 15 sessions of radiotherapy.
I too worry so much it will come back. I worried when I was not checked all the time. I will be checked in October by the oncologist and Novembet I will have my yearly mammogram.
I just try to stay positive. I'm trying to go back to be myself again. I'm thankful I'm still here. Small cell is a very nasty cancer. I'm glad it was in my breast so it was caught earlier.
I don't drink or smoke - never have. I'm annoyed that it should have happened to me!
I've found no one who has had the same as me which is a bit frustrating. No one to compare with.
I was just glad to see 2015 gone. I must think positive. We are not brave people going through all this we are survivors who had no choice. I just hope November brings good news.