To those of you starting your treatments, I offer you hope and encouragement. To veterans and survivors, I thank you for your past support. I'm a six-year survivor of HER2+ breast cancer. I'm finally finished with all treatment and feel better than I have in a decade! As Kelly Clarkson sings, "What doesn't kill you makes your stronger." ♫
What doesn't kill you makes you stron... - My Breast Cancer ...
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

So pleased you've come out the other side,and feel better,take care,xxx
You did it
Hope for us all each day at a time
Enjoy your life and live it full all the best to you
Thanks for sharing your lovely photo. Congratulations! Fantastic news. My oncologist freaked me out a bit at the end of treatment when he said "yes we probably won't see you again now, you'll go for mammograms and take your tamoxifen like a good girl and good luck"........ theres a whole feeling of ''what? What next? I'm on my own now? '.. obviously I'm not. There's still ongoing checkups etc with plastic surgeon and breast care but I thought there'd be scans and monitering. Bit scary but at the same time a flicker of "I might get out the other side of this and actually get on with my life?". You go grl. You look amazing xxxx
Hi Gracie66 from Breast Cancer Haven, quite a lot of our visitors feel the way you're're very welcome to give us a call or visit if you're near one of our Breast Cancer Haven centres as we offer support and have regular Living well, Moving on

Thank you very much for that. I live in Ireland so the courses are probably not available here but I'll see if I can find something similar. X
Hi my name is Dawn and i have had surgery, radiation and now hormones. But now i have to wait at least 6 months to find out if I'm cancer free. and I'm so sick about this that i don't know what to do. and i feel like no one around me understands the way i feel.I'm very depressed and sad about this. any suggestions. on how i can mentally deal with this.
It can be hard when treatment finishes. On the one hand you're glad it's over but until they do another mammogram you still have that fear that something might still be there. I'm sure everyone understands how you feel because everyone has felt the same. You are not alone 😊 Keep checking yourself, not all the time, maybe every 2 weeks. Remember if the docs thought there was any chance of anything they would be seeing you more often. I was told when I had my 1st mammogram that I'd have that every 12 months, but still see the surgeon every 6. Then on top of that I will also see the oncologist every year at least once. So my plan is to get them to check me over each time for my own piece of mind. You can also ring your breast cancer nurse for reassurance and they really don't mind you going into see them just to put your mind at rest. The attitude I'm trying to take now is that I'm clear until someone tells me otherwise. And I don't want to spend every second thinking about it. Easier said than done I admit. But I am getting there and finally things are getting back to normal. You will too. 😘
Thank you for the advice Chris I have a serious problem. I've always been a worry wart. And that is kinda hard to just shut off. But i have been trying to be positive. Thank you again for the advice. be blessed😘
I don't think we'll every be able to shut it off completely but someone explained to me that it's like putting it in a box and closing the lid for now. Only getting it out again if you really need to. I was a worry wart too but hand on heart I'm trying to stop stressing over something that might not happen and enjoy each day.
Congratulations, that's fabulous news! Thanks so much for sharing your
Congratulations best wishes to you enjoy your life !😙
This is an encouraging post, you look really well, congratulations on getting through it!! Best wishes x
I'm with you all the way Cheryl as I too am a veteran at 9 years past diagnosis, mastectomy, FEC-T, Herceptin, Tamoxifen and finally Letrozole and life is rich and good. You look fab in the photo, love and hugs to us all and there is light at the end of a gruesome tunnel xx
Congratulations CherylNorman that is wonderful news (especially as I have just let off steam with a long gripe about the system letting folks down in response to a comment you made elsewhere ) and you look marvellous.
Fingers crossed, now you are clear, you will be able to maintain the healthy lifestyle changes that will make sure you remain clear to enjoy your success for a long time to come.
I wish you health and good luck.
Congratulations you look fabulous. I'm glad your doing well.God bless
So very pleased for you stay wellx
Fantastic! Great to hear your good news, so encouraging for those of us still 'en route'.
Great comment ,you Your looking good ! Take care and may you have many more years , I'm Kate 5half year surviver ! I See the oncologist next week to see if I carry on with the tomoxfin ! 😊
Well done you, you look amazing, so pleaseing to here, live and love life....I'm 4 years in and a little more relaxed, everyday is another day further away, I'm off on my holidays for my 49th birthday...then when I get back looking to buy property in France so excited... May you be blessed in alk that you do xxxx
Congratulations here,s to the future🍷😊