Hi guys, went back to work over a year ago, struggled to fit back in and been job hunting ever since, I had a cataract assessment in July told it would be reassessed at the end if the year, it was assessed a couple of weeks back, I'm on a 18 week waiting list, and told I'm not allowed to drive, reeling from this my manager rang me, she's handed in her notice as has the lady I job share with (there's only the three of us). It's going to cost me more to use public transport for work only as opposed to my car for work and social use. I can't job hunt until my eye is sorted and I'm back driving, so very low with life and really finding life incredibly hard right now, crying all the time and just want to stay in bed. The lady I job share with is coming back to train the new person so I feel so unwanted and unneeded its unreal, and support us gratefully received
Struggling: Hi guys, went back to work... - My Breast Cancer ...

I just wrote a long message and I pressed by mistake on back, and it disappeared. What I wanted to say is that you can ask other hospitals to see which one can see you earlier. You have the right to choose. Be positive. It's just a hiccup.
Good luck!
I worked in London in the health service for 25 years but had to resign to take a career break. I am a qualified mental health nurse, i then went through a year of 2 cancers many operations chemo and radiotherapy. I then tried to claim some benefits but because I had not worked in the previous 2 years could not get help, then because of illness (tho cannot prove this) I could not gain any meaningful employment. Do try and use all support services available via Macmillan or other organisations and try to get someone to help. You should not go through this alone ! I did find a job in the end then ii relocated and found another job. I am off sick at the moment recently diagnosed with another long term health problem ! I already have lymphoedema, luckily my employer has been OK but my salary will be reduced soon and I still awaiting treatment for new condition. So need to go back to work but not sure I capable so I am in a quandary. Try keeping positive and hope you get some good news soon πππππππ’π’
Hi, I really feel for you. I am assuming you have had a cancer diagnosis for which you have been treated?
My situation is not like yours but I understand the frustration with wanting to get on with your life. I have different issues that are preventing me from doing the things I love.
I can only suggest that you speak to your GP or hospital consultant to see if you can be seen earlier than 18 weeks. I do think you have exceptional circumstances, not least that your are unable to work.
Don't be afraid to speak out, it's your life!
Good luck!
Thank you all for your support, the hospital that will do the cataract have got a dedicated nurse for help/support with vision probs. Cutting a long story short after speaking to her this morning, she said given my exceptional circumstances she would try and get it brought forward, and if i haven't heard after a month let her know, less than an hour later the hosp rang, I'm having it done in a couple of weeks!!! At least in the new year I can get back driving and job hunting againβΊβΊβΊ
Aww Jenny really feel for you -so glad you spoke to the specialist nurse and she has got your op brought forward. Brilliant news -good luck with the op. A relative of mine had her eyes done recently -was a weird experience she said but you don't feel anything. It takes a while for your eye to adjust/heal but now she only needs glasses to read very fine print (she had quite a heavy prescribing before!! )
Good luck with your op and hope that 2016 turns into a much better happier year! Hugs xxx