Internal bowel prolapse: Has anyone... - Bowel Disease Sup...

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Internal bowel prolapse

thyroid555 profile image
8 Replies

Has anyone here been diagnosed with or have experience of internal bowel prolapse? I am suspected to have this condition and awaiting a further test.

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thyroid555 profile image
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8 Replies
scardycat profile image

I don't know if this is a web site in a ghost town or what.. I wish someone would answer your question. I have wondered if I have the same condition you may have... Well, if I don't get an answer from my only post, and your's doesn't get a answer I am afraid we're the only 2 people on here! It say's 807 members and 148 posts ,, Well maybe now that it is the weekend somebody may reply... Wish us luck thyroid555 :)). And I hope you are pleasantly surprised, and it is something relatively easy to treat when your Doc's results come in! Bless you Thyroid555~

thyroid555 profile image
thyroid555 in reply to scardycat

Hi there, yes I know what you mean not many replies on here! I had a pro to gram x ray yesterday and was diagnosed with a rectocele. They have to blow the images up and look further at it and results will go back to consultant.

I still have the same symptoms can’t open my bowels, if I do then a paste comes out and still feel my bowel is not empty and lots of pain in my bottom. I have heard surgery is not done unless it’s very large and first line of treatment is pelvic floor exercises which I will do.

In agony a lot and would be happy to have an operation ASAP! Do you have any more tests planned and have your anytime changed or got worse?

Look forward to hearing from you. Wishing you the best

scardycat profile image
scardycat in reply to thyroid555

No, things have gotten a little worse.. can't get bowels to move on there own with out enema.. All the stool packs up around the opening but to big and tarry to pass out the rectum ! Yes it is real pain , my last doc said it sounds like a prolapsed bowel~ but i am to chicken to get the colonoscopy ! i know that is stupid~ but I am getting so tired of all the hassle and yes the pain in my bottom that i am thinking even a bypassed bowel with a tube would be better option for me!.. I also feel my bottom wants to go, but it can't pass. So, often times it feels heavy down there.. Yes the Kegal's are great for that problem, they are great to do..Keep at it.. Well, here's a cheer to us :)) hoping we get our problems resolved ! And wishing you all the best also, *-*

thyroid555 profile image
thyroid555 in reply to scardycat

I am sorry to here of the problems you are having. It sounds really distressing. Your symptoms sound similar to mine, except enemas wouldn’t work for me.

Are you under a consultant? Do you take anything for the pain?

Have you had any tests? Could you ask your consultant for a proctogram? This assesses for prolapses including a bowel prolapse and vaginal prolapse and prolapse of small intenstine.

I had an MRI and it didn’t reveal anything, different tests are Diagnosed for different things.

I know the feeling I would like a tube up my bottom to collect the stool. Do you have to manually evacuate? I think mine is quite high up and gets trapped, apparently stool can get trapped by a recetocole.

I think it will have to wait until 4-6 weeks to see my consultant, so hope this goes quickly. I feel desperate and the condition is making me miserable.

I think you need more tests ASAP, keep pushing to have more tests, i can relate as very difficult living with these things and being in pain.

How old are you? I am 36.

Best Wishes,


scardycat profile image
scardycat in reply to thyroid555

So Sorry, have been gone so I just saw your note... No I have not gone to Dr. with this. Yes, I have had to manually remove when it is to wide and hard to pass.. That is not often as the enema will finally get out some of the impaction, sometimes it's incomplete, and will have to do again in a day.. Never heard of a proctogram~ but I will look it up and see if it like a colonoscopy or a sigmoid~ Ugh, I hope not :)

At 36 you are so young to be having those kind of problems, I bet you certainly can't wait!! I would have felt the same at that age and probably less patient than you also.... I am 66 and like my response name i'm a "scardycat" and that is a problem with me and tests ... BUT~I am going to have to address this whether I am scared or not, as with more aging ahead, it will only get worse~not better. I know the desperation and misery, but must say you are toooo young to have to be dealing with these problems~ But in 4 weeks it just may all be a memory for you, I certainly hope so there is to much fun to be had on your horizon to be in such misery.... You'll be all fine soon :) that is something to look forward too, you've had the test's and the dr. has a good bead on it, so you are 3/4 or more to the finish line now Jemma, just think of that this last 4 weeks. :)) Best to you, and for you! Candice

Bugsie51 profile image

I replied to one of your posts a few months ago as you seemed to have very similar symptoms to me. I had also been tested for bowel cancer after a change in bowel habits led to months of chronic constipation. This in turn led to a prolapse and I was referred to a physio and later a surgeon. With coved 19 , nothing was going to happen in a hurry and I was managing by taking 2 bisocodil every day which was pretty brutal but the only way I could go. I felt terrible and lost a lot of weight. I decided to take some vitamins but was horrified to read they can cause constipation. Not wanting to make my problem worse I reseArched and found that cod liver oil and magnesium can cause loose stools in some people. That would be a welcome side effect for someone like me so I decided to take them. Over a couple of weeks I found that not only did I not need the bisocodil but my stools were more normal and regular than they had been for about 6 months. I still had a lot of discomfort but this started to ease when I added probiotics twice a day. Gradually over a couple of months the symptoms of my prolapse also decreased as I was no longer straining. By the time I saw the surgeon privately he agreed that although I still have a prolapse, I dont need surgery. He couldn't explain why the things I have been taking had worked so well but agreed that I should carry on. I am not sure if this may help you too, but if you would like to try then reply to this message and I will give you more information. I was only trying to make myself feel better and hopefully ease my symptoms until I could see the surgeon. However my life is almost back to normal except I still can't carry anything heavy. Time will tell whether I have permanently solved my problems but feel so much better than I did.

thyroid555 profile image
thyroid555 in reply to Bugsie51

Hi bugsie, Thankyou very much for taking the time to write to me. It’s lovely to hear from you. I wrote you a long message earlier but then it seemed to disappear. I am so pleased to hear things are better and more mangageable for you. Thankyou so for the advice about the medications you are taken. That’s great they are working and helping you.

I would be very interested to hear more and what dosage you are taking. I am sorry I can’t write much- my health is not at all good. I am still awaiting a follow with my consultant- everything has been hold in lockdown. He wrote to me suggesting I trial Prucalopride on prescription- it helps marginally but not enough.

I am at my wits end with it all and am agony most days- consultant has talked about referring me to urogynceaologist now for a repair of my Rectocele but suspect I will have to wait for the follow up first before the referral.

Thankyou for your kind message and I will look forward to hearing from you.

Best Wishes,


Bugsie51 profile image
Bugsie51 in reply to thyroid555

Hi Jemma

Sorry to hear that you have been feeling so awful and in so much pain. I have been taking the following

Seven seas omega 3 fish oil plus cod liver oil - take 1 capsule a day after food. (I usually take after lunch with a glass of water)

Magnesium. One a day (375mg) take with food (I usually have one with my evening meal.

Boots good gut live friendly bacteria (blue grey packet) I take 1 after lunch and 1 after my evening meal.

It took about a week to see some improvement and I was still taking bisocodil every day. However when I realised I could still go without it, I stopped. Stools were more normal and regular ! Still had quite a lot of stomach pain but when I started taking the boots good gut that improved too. Over the last couple of months I have found prolapse less noticeable too although still avoid carrying anything heavy.

In addition I make an effort to eat salad every day if I can and always have fruit especially apples, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries

often with some plain Greek yoghurt. If you decide to try this , remember to check with a pharmacist or doctor first to make sure there aren't any clashes with medication you are already taking as I don't want to add to your problems. It's not a quick fix but for me there was a steady improvement and now I feel so much better in myself. I really hope it works for you too as I know how miserable it can be when your stomach isn't working .

Best wishes


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