hey does anybody else have recurring bowel obstructions due to adhesions???? Had 4 laparotomy’s and several interventions very fed up of it all
adhesional bowel obstruction - Bowel Disease Sup...
adhesional bowel obstruction

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6 Replies
I had Illeus -laparotomy due to adhesions . I had five surgical in abdomen. Now I use laxative.
I’m going through this right now, I’ve had abdo surgery in the past, now I’m getting serious partial bowel obstructions, doctors have told me it’s due to adhesions, diverticulitis Volvulus and so on. It’s driving me up the wall too.i just want it all to go away. The pain is horrendous, they advise you to go on soft sloppy diets, all are not appetising at all., im afraid I follow the no food for diet for a few days and go back to normal eating. When the pain is at its worst I can’t eat anything, I get severe pain, my abdo swells up I get terrible indigestion and so on.