Why am I still getting these first when I go onto this site? I then press posts to get to new ones, but isn't it time the old ones were removed?? 🤔
6 year old posts come up first - Bone Health and O...
6 year old posts come up first

Dont know why that is happening to you as on mine the latest ones always come up first. Probably need to ask a tech type of person to alter it for you!
Hi, mine too yesterday were all 5 years old! Interesting but any comments and/ info were out of date. Maybe just a glitch (?)

Hi fraid ,
Really sorry to hear you're having issues with the site, it sounds understandably frustrating. All threads older than August 2020 are closed for new replies, so it definitely doesn't make much sense why 6 year old posts are appearing first for you! Please do report again to Health Unlocked, and if anyone else comes across the thread who is experiencing similar, you can contact Health Unlocked here: support.healthunlocked.com/#
If we get any updates about this we will pass them on to you
Wishing you the best,
ROS Moderator
Send an email to support@healthunlocked.com I have used this email address before now and got good help and advice. Good luck!
Just an update- 6 year old posts still come up first, unable to get rid despite managing to wipe history- thought would just wipe section I was in, but removed every single thing on iplop, not one email left anywhere, so that's what 'cancel' all means! Duh! 🙄