Has anyone tried to use a tens machine to relieve the pain from spinal compression fractures please? Getting desperate!!! I'd be grateful for any feedback. Thank you.
Pain Relief: Has anyone tried to use a... - Bone Health and O...
Pain Relief

I used one and found it very good
I've tried one and it didn't do anything. I put it down to the fact I didn't buy the very expensive equipment.
Hi, I’ve not had much success with them but heard from others who have found them very helpful.
I find keeping the back warm is really helpful for relaxing the back muscles my daughter bought me a heated cape from Amazon ( best thing she has ever bought me)
It covers all the upper back neck and most of lower back , fastens at the neck with two popper fastenings with attached belt to secure round middle.
It is made in soft velvet with adjustable heat settings
Are you on any pain relief medications??
There are many to try and can be taken safely long or short term.
Some work better for the chronic pain and others for the acute pain. There are medications too for the muscle spasms ( I struggle to get the right dose because of very low body weight)
If you want to ask anything from my experiences I am happy to share x
Thank you so much for your helpful response. The heated cape sounds a great idea and one I'll definitely try in preference to the tens. Amazon is so useful isn't it?
As for medications, I had a very unsatisfactory phone conversation with a GP at my practice after I had a fracture a couple of months ago who basically told me that there were limited options regarding pain killers as I can't tolerate anti inflammatory drugs. He prescribed Tramadol and showed little interest in any sort of follow up.
This drug hasn't been helpful and I was starting to improve slowly anyway so didn't continue taking it. Unfortunately it seems that I've now suffered another fracture and the pain, as well as muscle spasms, I'm experiencing with this one is much worse . Hence the desperation!!! So I'm trying Tramadol again but this time with paracetamol. It does give a very slight relief but the accompanying nausea and sickness is horrible.
I'm 75 years old and have had a couple of previous thoracic fractures, after falls, over the past five years but each time I've managed to recover enough to still do a couple of short walks daily, tend to my garden, drive to places to meet up with friends and play a large part in fund raising events for the small cat rescue that I helped to set up. No medication needed.
All of this is beginning to feel like a distant memory as at the moment I can't even leave the house. And I am, as you can probably tell, feeling very sorry for myself!!! Oh and I also have to look after my partner who has dementia.
Any tips on coping, particularly with the pain, would be very, very welcome.
You really do have a lot going on, and taking care of yourself partner at the same time must be making things extremely difficult for you.
Some people find Gabapentin can help massively with the nerve pain, it may be something you could approach your doctor about.
He should be supportive in helping you and if you don’t feel he is, perhaps trying to speak with a different dr would be in your better interests.
You have had a good social life and not having that at the moment will be leaving a big void in your life.
Is it possible friends could call in for a chat and make you both a cuppa, most people are happy to feel they are helping.
Perhaps you could still be involved in fundraising from your home, this would without doubt help you immensely.
Before you know it this stage in your life will pass your fractures will heal and things will settle down try to focus on that thought, trust me it does help.
Take care.x
Hello! I did not find the Tens machine very helpful and had better results with a heat pad that is placed in the microwave and wrapped around the centre of the pain. It is very much a personal thing and I do wish you well as the pain is very unpleasant.
Not for me either.i tried one many years ago when my back problem / herniated discs first appeared and I tried it again a few years ago after I fractured my wrist. In both cases I still had the pain but I also had a really annoying tingle / mini electric shock type sensation as well. Think it’s something you have to try for yourself as it appears to work for some people and not others.
Thank you for the info and I think I'll hold off from the electric shocks for the moment!
😉 They were very ‘mini’ more just annoying little tingle / twitch on top of the original pain but like I said a lot of people find them helpful.
I prefer heat, I often use those self adhesive, self heating Deep Heat pads - very good for cold winter days. I’ve been known on a very cold day to buy a pack in a pharmacy or supermarket, go to a loo and slap one on. It’s like having built in central heating.
I also used Volterol rub on gel for a while and our Pilates teacher frequently tells us that lying quietly on our backs with our knees bent is a really good way to decompress our spines so I do that a lot too.
I found the tens very good. I think it just gave another sensation to take your mind off the pain but as others have said the heat pad is really good. I have an electric one which I think cost about £20 from Amazon. I would try heat pad first as the tens doesn't seem to work for some people.
Hi when I was first diagnosed with OP I wanted to use a tens machine because I thought it would be helpful but on receiving the machine I couldn’t use it as I have a aneurysm and it was not recommended so I didn’t. Also if you have high cholesterol you should ask for advice from your Gp. Not helpful but hope it works for you.
Hi! I didn't find helpful a Tens Machine. It gave me more pain. I think a painkiller & using heat is the answer.
I used one briefly but to no positive impact. The exothermic (a chemical reaction releasing heat) back belt was much better which is available from chemists. I noticed others recommending a microwave heat pad which I suspect should work as well as the belt.
Hi there. I used a Tens machine 2 or 3 times a day for a number of weeks following a compression fracture in the lumbar area. I cannot take any pain killers other than paracetomol so it was my only option. I think it did help and certainly took the edge of the pain off. The tingling sensation was a bit of a distraction from the injury site. My go to remedy though was a gel pack which I heated in the microwave and then strapped to my back. This helped me get going each day. Hope that helps.
The heat pad that covers your whole back, shoulders and up neck is my saviour. With fresh refractures I did use ice pak to take away first pains and numb the area for a bit of respite. I am on Tramadol which really help, and have used them off and on for many years, also now Gabapentin which does nerve pain too and sure helps me sleep! Use a support pillow for bum and back which you can get from nhs via nurse. I live on a recliner sofa so it's easy to get up, press button to sit, lie. Used two walking sticks when first happened again so not unbalanced. Your gp really needs to get your pain under control, it's unbearable, and tell him so very firmly! Good luck and don't give in, I nearly did but it gets easier. 🤗
Thank you .Unfortunately although Tramadol helps with the pain vey slightly the severe nausea it causes outweighs its continued use. Perhaps I could ask to try Gabapentin. Perhaps I might be able to talk to a different GP next time who might be a bit more ready to help.
At least I don't need a prescription to get a heat pad!
I have successfully used a tens machine for various back problems and sciatica for many years. Now on my third, but not specifically for my osteoporosis. I also find my plug in heat pad brilliant as it doesn't exceed a safe temperature.

Hi Catcare ,
We're sorry to hear you're experiencing so much pain at the moment. Living with daily pain is exhausting and can leave us feeling not like ourselves at all, so we are really glad to see you connecting with our wonderful members who can offer real understanding about what you're going through.
We did just want to drop in a couple of our resources in case yourself, or anyone coming across the thread may find them helpful:
Wishing you all the very best and hoping you're able to find relief soon,
ROS Moderator
Not tried TENS but I have recently started on pain relief patches that you wear for a week. Then slowly rease Bupremorphine 24/7. I started on 5mcg/h and thought they weren't doing much intil they ran out and the pain was worse without them, so I realised they had been doing something. I'm now trialling a slightly stronger dose of 10 mcg/h which seems to be better but also seems to make me a bit drowsy so I might go back to the 5s. Worth talking to your GP about? It was my rheumatologist who suggested them but I'd also read about them on the ROS website
Tens didn't help me either, heat has proved the most helpful, it's worth trying different things to see what works for you.