I I am wondering if there is any connection between osteoporosis and rotary cuff muscle tears ,18 months ago I fractured my spine in three places and lost some hight 2 half inches ,also I am left with curved spine ,after my fractures healed I torn my rotary cuff muscles, they have been so painful ,I hadn't fallen my gp has put this down to a maybe knock on affect ,wondering if this has happened to anyone else after spinal fractures
Rotary cuffs: I I am wondering if there... - Bone Health and O...
Rotary cuffs

I've had rotary cuff problems as well but no spinal fractures so maybe or maybe not related?
It would make sense that there would be a connection since Osteoporosis weakens bones. I would think that this can affect the shoulder's bony structures increasing the risk of rotator cuff tears. I had a rotator cuff tear in 2016 with surgery to repair. Very hard to recover from these. I have good range of motion in my right arm but it is weaker. My left arm is stronger and I do more things with my left arm. My tear happened when I was walking my dogs the leash got wrapped around me causing me to fall. I know how painful it can be. Hoping for the best outcome for you.
Mine seem to happen for no reason that I know of,I saw specialist, but he won't operate on age over seventy witch I am ,he sent me for phisio oh my is it painful thanks for reply capan
I used to swim 2 /3 times a week but since being diagnosed with osteoporosis and 4 compression fractures I’m very wary of swimming in case I develop rotary cuff issues or worsen the fractures. Has anyone had any advice about swimming as a safe exercise?
They always send you to physical therapy first. Hope you don't develop Frozen shoulder from lack of movement. This causes pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint due to thickening and tightening of the joint capsule. I had this too because I did not have surgery right away after my tear. Rotator cuff repair should be able to be done on a 70 year old depending on your overall health, activity, and the severity of the tear. Maybe after you go through physical therapy, the surgeon may consider a repair. Shoulder pain is no fun and shoulder surgery is a long recovery. Good luck.
With me more than the shoulder pain it is my bicep muscle that's the most painful after exsercise it swells then I can not do any exsercise for days ,physiotherapist says just put ice on it ,I don't think they realise how painful it can be hope your pain has all settled down now
unfortunately when you have osteoporosis a bone can just break for seemingly no reason at all. I had 2 compression fractures in the thoracic spine and since then I also have curvature. It’s terrible. Sorry for your pain
The research says osteoporosis makes rotator cuff tears more likely.
Hello Alice My youngest brother fell badly and damaged his spine too , he ended up with a curved spine and a lot of pain. He then suffered with arthritis of the spine, hope you are getting the help and support., to treat your symptoms. As this care is crucial. Take care and god bless x
I’m wondering the same thing because I have Osteoporosis/ Osteoarthritis all over and I need Total shoulder and bicep replacements on both shoulders. They are so painful and I have almost no movement in my left arm.
I have had 2 shoulder rotator cuff repairs. The first was keyhole which was really helpful then a more major repair as I left it too long before getting treatment. The second was a longer repair, they had to shorten the tendon that was worn away.
Both were caused by a bone spur that they shave off in the op. An xray confirmed this spur, they put my arm behind me for the xray. I only say that as I had already checked after a skiing bump and was told it was fine. When my UK specialist requested the xray he said he was looking for a spur whereas abroad they were looking for a break so had not spotted the spur.
Bone spurs can re grow as in my case.
I would ask for an xray to see if you have a spur...meanwhile get a good physio.
A steriod injection may help to solve and settle it, I found a specialist is better than the GP who used to do them as its guided by the computer image. They often try this approach and if it works for a few months then stops working, it can be a spur.
Very painful and gives sleep deprivation you have my sympathy.. good luck.
I now have osteoporosis so interested by your thoughts on a link. I am 64.
Thank you for your helpful reply Specialist said he won't operate on age over seventy ,I'm 77