Hi I was diagnosed with osteoporosis in June 24 following a fall on black ice I broke my wrist. I also have a small hiatus hernia and have slow motility in my osephogus. I tried Alendronic acid which I felt made my acid reflux worse and felt like it was sticking in my throat even though I was drinking full glass of water and sitting upright for over 30mins. I am now on Risdronate which is slightly better although I do suffer with acid reflux which is worse a couple of days after taking Risdronate. I have discussed this with my doctor who says it’s ok to take Omeprazole as long as it’s not at the same time. However I thought it negated the effects of the Risdronate. Could anyone shed some light on what I should be doing? Thanks
Dottiedoodle: Hi I was diagnosed with... - Bone Health and O...

Sounds like you need to get your doctor to organise for you to have an annual infusion of a bisphosphonate - that will by- passes the gut. As you say taking omeprazole isn’t ideal for someone with osteoporosis.
There is no proof that taking Omeprazole does any damage or interferes with bone density or osteoporosis drugs. Look up the latest research on Google. I have been taking it for years. Omeprazole actually saves lives of those at risk as it protects from gastric cancers. I have researched this heavily.
I’m sure you have researched it heavily but I would still prefer not to take it.
I was prescribed it many years ago - long before I was diagnosed with osteoporosis no idea why but I had a limitless supply of the stuff then one day I read the PIL and it appeared that it was intended for short term use which freaked me out a bit. So I cleaned up my diet and stopped taking it.
I was prescribed it in 2021 when I fractured my sacrum and was prescribed it along with naproxen and although I wasn’t keen on taking it I did and ended up with the most horrendous ever diarrhoea- I was told to stop the naproxen and double up on the omeprazole which I did and the diarrhoea didn’t stop until I stopped the omeprazole. So it’s definitely not the drug for me.
It appears to be one of those drugs you take to counteract the effects of other drugs - the lesser of two evils sort of thing so if you need to take it then take it.
I had chronic gastric reflux and other symptoms. I was given Oméprazole and the gastric reflux stopped. Up to then I had been taking gaviscon in bulk. The pain was relieved. This is before I was diagnosed with osteoporosis. Into gastric reflux and decided to come off Oméprazole and started on the recommended process of taking withdrawal very slowly. I had a massive rebound of acid after the first few attempts and spoke to my doctor who said the drug had been prescribed for a reason. I carried on taking it and had a bad accident and nearly died of a severe concussion and a Tramadol reaction. I had a full body scan which revealed that I had diverticulitus and I was warned that I had digestive tract problems, there was no treatment for that. My osteoporosis did not show on the scan. When I saw the Rheumatologist regarding my DEXA, CAT scan/X-Rays she told me it was safe to take and that I could have far more serious effects if I stopped taking it. I have done extensive research and I am staying on the minimum dose daily as coming off of it could have a worse outcome for me.
I imagine it very much depends on why you have been prescribed it in the first place and how bad you are. Sympathy over diverticulitis - I have had several bouts of diverticulitis and many UTIs over the past few years. I’ve had IBS since the mid 1980s. Going totally gluten free when I was diagnosed with RA in 2014/5 has helped that immensely. Dare I say it thankfully my problems are all in the lower part of the gut. Heartburn / reflux is (to me) much more unpleasant to deal with. Bottom line is as you say - if your doctor tells you to take or do something then you’ve got to go with that. 😊
insist on being referred to a rheumatologist. Poor GP advice previous reply is right there are other infusions available as well so you don’t have to take PPI’s.
I suggest you watch videos at ROS about all the medications. They are have side effects that is more inconfortable depends on person to person . I take Risedronate and I dont have any effects.
Hello, there is another route you may like to investigate to avoid ppi drugs, which I'm convinced contributed to my osteoporosis, IQORO, a device which may be available on prescription.
The latest research states that there is no link between the lowest dose of a PPI and osteoporosis. There are very restrictive diets (28 day acid reflux diet) which I tried but it did not agree with my intake of enough vitamin and mineral intake for osteoporosis. They are researching drugs all the time. Tramadol is a good example. I nearly died after being prescribed Tramadol by a psychiatrist. I then had a bad accident and the Tramadol nearly killed me. New research has revealed this problem with Tramadol is far more common, causing cases of epilepsy and deaths. It is a very addictive opioid medication. I now have to take other drugs to keep the epilepsy under control and also sedatives at night to ensure I sleep properly. The side effects of Tramadol were not well known until it became a drug of choice for pain relief and was prescribed world wide in every increasing numbers.
Hello, please can you say which research you refer to ? Thank you
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Hi Dottiedoodle ,
We just wanted to drop in to wish you the warmest welcome to our community, thank you for joining us here It's great to see you connecting with our valued members!
We also wanted to mention that we have a helpline of friendly specialist nurses who would be happy to chat with you more about your experience. If that may feel helpful at this time, we warmly invite you to get in touch: theros.org.uk/information-a...
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Hi there. I too have small hiatus hernia plus a small crichoid web so tablets a no-no. So I was prescribed the effervescent form of alendronic acid which is once a week and I've taken since July. As long as you give it a gentle stir to make sure the tiny particles have all dissolved this med seems OK. And a small drink of water before taking sort of preps the throat and stomach.However, there may be a change after an incredibly useful and informative consultation and REMS scan with Mr Nick Birch at Osteoscan. Results to be discussed with GP after seeing orthopaedic consultant about hip issues!