Hi everyone,
I have now had 15 fractures ( diagnosed) plus fractures in the ribs. These have all occurred without any kind of injury or fall.
Two of these fractures have re fractured twice and one has re fractured three times.
My first fracture went undiagnosed for three months ( my doctor passed it off as muscle pain) It was diagnosed at my appointment for my next routine Dexa Scan at the Bone Clinic.
My next 2 fractures occured one month apart and I chose to see a different doctor at the same surgery.
These were also passed off as muscle problems ( after having one fracture I knew I had got two new fractures) the appointment went from bad to worse with my demanding an x ray and refusing to leave until the I was given the form.
She also told me that I could not have any pain relief prescribed for muscle pain.
She then actually slammed the form on the desk in front of us.
I went to my local hospital for the X-ray and my words when I came out to my husband were ( that was a waste of time it is not going to show anything) I was completely right because I knew the x ray had not been taken correctly.
At that time I was being seen by a consultant at a larger teaching hospital and on contacting them they finally arranged for the x rays to be repeated which showed I had 2 new fractures in the Lumbar.
( this was after being repeatedly grilled by a secretary who told me I would not know if I had fractured !!!)
All during my journey with osteoporosis my local hospital were never able to recognise any of my fractures on the x rays.
In 2019 I had a major fracture in the Thoracic I was seen in A&E by a lovely Doctor who organised the x ray and on looking at it said the fracture was in T9.
He told us it then had to be confirmed by the Duty Radiologist whom he called whilst we were in the room.
The radiologist insisted I did not have a new fracture it was only wear and tear.
The lovely doctor put the phone down and his head in his hands saying he could clearly see the fracture but his hands were tied, the diagnosis of the radiologist is what they have to go by.
He told us he could not offer me any way of help not even pain relief.
He sent us away saying contact the Bone Clinic as soon as possible and after passing his email to us asked that we let him know the results as in his own words “this is happening too often”😡
It took many years of complaints, phone calls and emails both by husband and myself to get a result that was needed regarding this appalling situation.
The result we achieved was that any further x ray or scans were to be reported on by the Consultant Radiologist.
It was not easy to say the least, situations like this take our faith away when it comes to hospitals, consultants, and doctors.
These are the people we need to put our trust and faith in for both our families and ourselves to be able to receive correct diagnosis and treatment.
Don’t give up be persistent. xx