I'm really looking for someone with Osteoporosis who suffers with the same spinal problems I have so that we can share experiences and support.Over last 15 years I have had 3 lots of Neurosurgery to support my spine which is crumbling. I now have rods, screws and plates holding up S5 to S1 and L5 to L1. Due to the crumbling I now have 2 screws protruding under my skin that have come loose. Next May my Neurosurgeon proposes taking out existing metalwork and replacing it all from my Coxic up the whole of my spine to my neck. I will then be in a body and neck brace for 6 months!!
I have amazing support from my Neurosurgeon and Osteoporosis Consultant.
I would just love to have contact with someone suffering the same for some support and understanding.
So are you out there!!