Can anyone recommend a good calcium powder not capsules so I can add to smoothies.?
calcium powder: Can anyone recommend a... - Bone Health and O...
calcium powder
I headed off to Holland and Barratt yesterday to find a calcium powder. I dont know if you are in the UK or not, if not this might not make a lot of sense. But there was reduced powders in a range by Davina McCall. Originally £38 but I paid £8. They are disgusting and probably why they are all reduced. So if I can save you £8… give the Davina McCall ones a miss. Mine is now on the compost heap.
best absorption is Calcium Citrate- to careful you don’t over dose as it can be detrimental in all sorts of ways and the absolute safest and best way is to use you normal diet cheese dairy almond nuts etc but if your vegan soya milk has added calcium and tofu has calcium. I think the recommended amount daily is 1000-1200 and to take K2 as well as Vitamin D but assume you have medical / dieticians advice, if not worthwhile and ensure they are aware of the latest research on taking calcium for osteoporosis and the costs and benefits
Just my opinion from managing my own osteoporosis and prostate cancer treatment on top of polio as a child affecting my bone and muscle mass
Both NICE and the ROS recommend getting calcium from diet if at all possible, only supplementing to make up any shortfall. If you definitely need to supplement, you could try Now Calcium Citrate Pure Powder.