does anyone drink alcohol on here with osteoporosis on like special occasions will it do any harm, got to have a life.
red wine : does anyone drink alcohol on... - Bone Health and O...
red wine

I do. I also drink white wine in summer. I enjoy a glass of beer too.
I drink the odd glass of red wine when I feel like it, I also love Cremant which is white and anything with bubbles, I like the odd Kir or Kir Royale, I don’t drink all that often or all that much, a small single glass is all I ever take.
I used to drive my husband mad by ordering a pitcher of wine when we were in France and only having one glass which meant he had to drink the rest. We got wise after a while and ordered a much smaller jug that was big enough for me to have a tiny glass and him to have a decent amount. If I want to drink wine osteoporosis or not, I drink it.
As you say, you’ve got to have a life. So go for it and enjoy it, just don’t get sozzled and fall over and break something 😉
The occasional glass of wine, or other alcoholic drink, won't do any harm. It's excess alcohol that's the problem.
First of all I would say ask your doctor as each of us are different and react to "things in different ways.I personally shout myself a bottle of white wine monthly and I've had no problems at all..but that's may or may not react well best to check first.
Go well 🌻
I don’t drink alcohol any more. There are many other drinks you can enjoy.
my osteoporosis level has gone down 3.8% in the 2.5 years I’ve been taking alendronic acid and have 12-14 units of 10.5 % of Merlot a week.
if you can’t find a 10.5%, I get Isla Negra from Tesco
sorry, last thing: there are 7.9 units in a bottle, and my intake is spread over the week
Hi I drink white wine or gin and tonic, I have osteoporosis in my hips, no one has ever told me not to drink. Char
I drink half a glass of red wine occasionally. My Dad was a doctor and he drank a glass of wine every evening, lived until 93. He said it was good for the heart. I don't think an occasional glass will do anything to your OP if you exercise daily and eat a healthy diet. Sugar is much more damaging.
An occasional drink wouldn't hurt, however, you may find it useful to read the latest research on alcohol which now states that any drink of alcohol is toxic to the body. Until the latest research revealed the impact of alcohol on our bodies and it's consequences regarding heart disease, cancer and other health related issues with drinking, even doctors would suggest a drink of wine or beer a day. Google the latest research (the New York Times has an excellent article on this) and you'll be surprised. That said, we all make decisions on what to do with or to our bodies and then we live with said consequences.
I have osteoporosis and on reclast and drink a 100ml red (occasionally white) about 5 days out if 7 with my main meal. I also drink non alcoholic beee and non alcoholic gin and tonic as they are both acceptable and pleasant.
I've pretty much given up alcohol. Nobody has told me not to drink it because I have osteoporosis but it's there in print along with medication that I take. As I am the sole driver in the household that's what makes it important, as pregabalin (and other painkillers) do not mix well with alcohol because of drowsiness/slower reactions, although my actions are still faster than most, even when I've been drinking. Think that's due to my profession that was. Still, I prefer not to risk it, and never know when I may be required to get behind the wheel.
I drink eventualy beer or wine. Not everyday but I would say a cup on the weekends.
I have to say I saw that research recently and found it too depressing to worry about.
Apart from the fact scientists and researchers can often get things wrong and as long as it is only the odd glass of something and you are not binge drinking, an alcoholic or falling about and breaking bones then do what makes you feel good..
I always say you could do all the ‘right things’ health wise, miss out on the little pleasures in life that make you feel good - then get hit by a bus or come to some equally grim end not related to osteoporosis. Who knows what the future holds.
Have that glass of wine if that’s what you want radars and enjoy it. 😉
Have had op for many years never gave not having a glass pf wine a second thought