does anyone drink red wine with osteoporosis as I am going to a wedding shortly and I will probably have some red wine to get into the swing of things.
red wine and severe osteoporosis - Bone Health and O...
red wine and severe osteoporosis

Sometimes. There are nice non alcoholic wines and beers now so I am told. Sure they will on offer at the wedding too. You can make up your mind on the day. Have a great time at the wedding.
Yes I do. But I no longer drink to excess. Find having a glass of water with the wine helps. I limit myself to red wine no longer drink spirits. Small glass of champagne to celebrate your friends wedding, if they serve it. Have a wonderful time.
I drink red wine every night. Not too much, can’t anymore for other reasons than my bone density.In the last year my diagnosis went from osteoporosis to osteopenia from the supplements, Collagen, prunes, greens, bone broth etc. Enjoy the wedding.
Alcohol is generally a no-no with OP but on occasion one or two glasses won't do any overall harm. Enjoy the day and get back on track afterwards.