Has anyone been affected by sinusitis when taking Risedronate.... just trying to work out if this is a side effect or not. Thank you.
Risedronate and sinusitis: Has anyone... - Bone Health and O...
Risedronate and sinusitis

I had a nasty sinus infection while on it, the only time I've ever had one. Could be coincidence, but I was ill so often while taking it, I gave up after a year, I'd had enough!
Thank you - my suspicions are confirmed and I will now stop straight away. I haven't had a sinus infection in years. This morning my head was so bad I almost debated calling for help!
I was taking alendronic acid rather than Risedronate (but I think they are both bisphosphonates) and I had the most dreadful sinus attacks, I’ve always been prone to sinus infections but this was worse than anything I’d ever known.
In the end I only took alendronic acid for four months and in that time I had antibiotics from my GP once and also from two different dentists. I had so many unpleasant side effects as well as the sinus pain that I stopped the bisphosphonates after four months. I’ve been fine since then.
Thanks for this. Clearly the Risedronate is to blame and will now stop. Are you taking anything now? Trouble is I am -3.3 everywhere so do have to take some medication. Can't do it through diet and exercise alone. I am now asking for Raloxefene which most people seem positive about...
I’m on Raloxifene. The specialist nurse insisted I’d have hot flushes (they’re always very keen to have everyone on a bisphosphonate). I don’t flush - the main things I’ve found is I get annoying leg cramps at night despite taking magnesium, and my hair is definitely thinner - and it wasn’t great to start. And I’ve put on weight but tbf that might be too much cheese.. I’d still take it over a bisphosphonate though.
This may be of help.
No, I’m not taking anything - diet, Pilates and walking, vitamins and minerals. I’m -3, spine - 2.7 femoral neck and 2.1 total hip, glad you’ve found something that looks more positive for you, good luck with it all.
I was amazed at how much of my body was affected by the alendronic acid - parts of me I’d never even thought about.
I'm on Risedronate and I already had low grade chronic sinusitis. Doesn't seem to have got worse on Ris. Have had an ear infection recently after being on a plane when pain after different pressures still hasn't gone weeks later, but there are more probable reasons why I had low immunity including lack of sleep and a death in the family. We all have different body reactions though. My scores are worse than yours and I've already had a fracture so I'm not stopping meds unless I'm sure they're the reason.
Sorry I may have posted this in the wrong place! It's the info leaflet on Raloxafine from ROS. thankfully no side effects so far and when I asked my GP about side effects she said not everyone reacts in the same way and for many there will be none.