I use my laptop a lot, a dull pain just does not go away, whilst writing, I have HPT so pain killers out of question! I suppose some sort of cream would be best, even magnesium oil joint spray like I use for my osteoarthritis on my knees might help? doubtful! Is anybody same situation as refracturing clavicle out there?
Broken clavicle pain? Broke my clavic... - Bone Health and O...
Broken clavicle pain? Broke my clavicle after a epileptic seizure in 2011, but cold weather means dull pain! Must be others same situation?

By HPT do you mean hyperparathyroidism?
No, I haven't had a fractured clavicle, but if I had I would use Magnesium cream/spray, capsaicin cream, and take a bath in magnesium chloride/Epsom salts, hot water bottle, and one of those herb things you heat up in the microwave oven to put on the area when you go to bed..... As I m having some issues with aches and pains and all the above helps me. Good luck!
Hi! I’ve got seven fractures in my spine and they hurt sitting down and they hurt doing things. I’ve had them a few years and the pain doesn’t seem to go. When you break a bone it doesn’t heal the same as it was and it likes to keep telling you it’s not right. 🤣
I know what you mean about cold damp weather, my body really doesn’t like being cold. Haven’t fractured a clavicle - when my low back / sacral pain is bad I use Volterol to rub on. I bought a cream applicator with a long handle from Amazon to reach awkward areas. The other thing I find useful in cold weather is those stick on Deep Heat patches. They last about eight hours. In fact I use them to keep warm even when my body isn’t hurting. Hot water bottles are my friends too.
I also find lying in a nice hot bath with some magnesium flakes helpful and if your lap top has a built in microphone have you tried using that? I used mine a lot when I broke my wrist a few years ago.
I broke it the day of a royal wedding in 2011, local hospital A&E had a tv in looking at the thing, I was x-rayed given some pain killers and practically told to shove off, SIX days later they rang back, showed me the x-ray, it was definitely broken, asked sheepishly if I wanted to get some physiotherapy for it🙄 The right arm can now come out of the socket, which it did eight years later, I waited for them to have a look at it, after they 'threw' a patient onto a stretcher, who had had a seizure. I lost my patience, absolutely typical of that Local Hospital, I put the arm back in myself, walked 400 yards to my local taxi rank, got a taxi home, I live by myself, and recovered in bed for 2 and half days😤😤😤
Sorry Fruitandnutcase just remembering about that incident, brought that back😤🙄 I use Biofreeze or Tiger Balm especially good for battered ribs! Nothing like the good old basic hot bath, especially in cold weather as present here🥶
Thats absolutely dreadful! Not surprising though. Many years ago I fell on a rocky beach and managed to sit in my wrist - passed out and ended up being taken to hospital in an ambulance long story but the A&E consultant was quite horrible tithe young doctor looking at my x-Ray and basically told me to go. I did beg a splint. I was in such agony that I couldn’t stand up without being sick.
A few months later in my own surgery the doc left the room and I looked at her computer - fracture was mentioned and I thought I was looking at someone else’s notes - looked at the date and nope - I was looking at my own, turned out it was broken after all.
I’ve just changed GP practices after I was refused any sort of x-Ray and told my fractured sacrum was ‘probably a touch of osteoarthritis- it’s quite common at your age’ Grrr!
Got bio freeze in my armoury too! I’ve never used Tiger Balm although I’ve got a son who swears by it. Do you think the red one or the white one is best? Nothing to beat a nice hot bath though. I see it’s about to get cold again so get the thermals out and try to keep warm.
Yes such horrible places exist🥴, luckily there are a couple of other hospitals within 10 miles radius!👍 Have you got to that age everything is blamed on your advancing years😤