Improved t score for osteoporosis. - Bone Health and O...

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Improved t score for osteoporosis.

Skodadet profile image
23 Replies

Hello all

I was diagnosed with osteoporosis four years ago after t scores of spine and hip were -2.8 and -2.5. I had been on prednisolone and a PPI for five years for Polymyalgia and still am.

Early on I had a bad reaction to Alendronic Acid and the rheumatologist wanted to put me on Denusomab. On the advice of my dentist I refused, and the rheumatologist wrote to me to say that I would never improve my condition with diet, supplements and exercise alone, the best I could hope for was to maintain it.

However, I have just had another bone scan on the same machine. My t scores are now 2.3 and 2.2 which I believe puts me in the osteopaenia range instead of osteoporosis. I am extremely pleased and thought I'd share the good news with you in the hope that it will encourage others who don't take bisphosphonates for whatever reason.

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Skodadet profile image
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23 Replies
springcross profile image

Good for you, I'm really pleased for you. From what I have heard of Denusomab, I think your dentist was wise to put you off. Long may the good news continue for you. xx

Arcadia10 profile image

That's fantastic news! Your achievement is something I wish to emulate once I've managed to get off the risedronate I'm having to take to get me off Prolia. Can I ask what you did, took, etc to improve your bone density?

Skodadet profile image
Skodadet in reply to Arcadia10


I take half the recommended daily dose of calcium citrate and vitamin D3, 100mcg of Vitamin K2 and 200-400 mg magnesium. I don't take the full dose of calcium as I seem to need much more magnesium to balance it out or I get restless legs at night. I have taken 3mg of boron on and off. I have six prunes every day. I try to go for about a 2 mile walk quite often and periodically do a few strength exercises with weights. I try to be as active as possible with housework, gardening etc but my activity can be sporadic if the Polymyalgia flares up. I don't eat meat because I don't like it but I eat quite a lot of fish and dairy and quite a lot of fruit and veg. I don't go overboard on sweet things but don't deprive myself either so quite regularly have a couple of biscuits and some dark chocolate. I have no idea which of that lot I can attribute the improvement to but I'm planning to continue with everything just in case! Good luck on your journey.

Arcadia10 profile image
Arcadia10 in reply to Skodadet

Your regimen sounds almost exactly the same as mine, so I'm hopeful that I'm on the right path. I take about 1000mg of Vitamin C per day as well as a zinc tablet along with the Vitamin K2, boron and magnesium, plus walk about 30-40kms per week. I also don't eat red meat. Once I'm off the bisphosphonate (hopefully next March), I'm going to supplement with strontium citrate too. I had good results using that in the past. Have you read the COMB (Combination Of Micronutrients for Bone) study?

Skodadet profile image
Skodadet in reply to Arcadia10

No I haven't read that...I'll look it up.... thank you!

Clyde12 profile image

What wonderful news. I too had a bad reaction (gastric problems) with alendronic acid and like you refused anything else because of all I’ve read on this site! I’ve increased my walking and take adcal d3 prescribed by GP. What exercise are you doing and what supplements/diet are you taking.

My very best wishes to you.

Skodadet profile image
Skodadet in reply to Clyde12

Hello.....see my reply to Arcadia... And good luck....hope you improve too. I don't take Adcal as I have a very dodgy stomach and calcium citrate seems to suit me better.

wellness1 profile image

Very happy for you :) Thanks for sharing your good news. Were you on this regime for 4 years before you had another DEXA scan?

Skodadet profile image
Skodadet in reply to wellness1


I've been doing everything for the four years except the prunes....I started those about two years ago when I learned about the positive effects from a research study.

Fran57 profile image

Hello. That’s fantastic news. I am genuinely pleased for you 😊

I have never taken any medication for my osteoporosis. I am due to have a repeat dexa scan next year.

I had a parathyroidectomy a few years ago and that should 🤞🏻have improved my results. I exercise every day and eat prunes ( ugh) and have a pretty healthy diet.

It was a great shock when I was diagnosed and I’m so glad I said no to the medication, but am keen to see an improvement.

Great news!

Stay safe,

Fran 😉

sweetsusie profile image

Good for you!! So happy for you! I won't take those awful bone meds, either.

Dogsandme profile image

Good for you! So what did you do, diet, supplements and exercise wise?

Skodadet profile image
Skodadet in reply to Dogsandme

Hi! I put my regime in reply to Arcadia above....nothing too onerous even the exercise! Apart from the supplements I've listed it's basically living life mainly sticking to the usual healthy diet advice and keeping active.

Dogsandme profile image
Dogsandme in reply to Skodadet

Aah, sorry. Didn't scroll through the answers. Just replied directly to your post.

I am doing the COMB regime too, except for the strontium, because I am not happy about reports on it here in the UK saying it makes the bones heavier but not necessarily denser, so can skew results of DEXA scans. I have been following the COMB regime for nearly 3 months.

I am taking marine algae as well, as, in lockdown, I have been on a diet and haven't been getting my usual dose of dairy for the calcium. Have lost weight though! Yay!

I am only due for my next scan in 5 years. My doctor says that that is a resources problem..... but I can pay for one in 3 years. And that I wouldn't be able to see any different results after only one year on the natural stuff. We'll see. I am only (only?) osteopenic and I was due to have a Zolendronic acid infusion (an annual thing instead of the Alendronic acid tablets) but COVID-19 came along and now, in the pause, I have done further research and so have refused it. For now.

My doctor has a point in that on forums like this you don't hear the success stories of the medications, you only hear the bad reports. And that there have been many more success stories than bad stories.

Who knows? It is personal choice in the end, I guess. I prefer to try the natural route first. I have had one vertebral fracture. I guess if any more breaks happen, I will be rushing to try the preventative medication! As I said, who knows?

Good luck with your story. And keep on keeping on !

Skodadet profile image
Skodadet in reply to Dogsandme

Good luck to you too!

TeddyandCocoa profile image
TeddyandCocoa in reply to Dogsandme

I had a vertebral fracture (L3) in January. Fracture has healed (I'm assuming), however, I am having difficulty knowing if I can do everything I had done before the fracture. I, too, am going the natural route. I never ate/drank dairy and never supplemented with calcium so now I am taking 400 mg calcium citrate, more D (4500 IU), K2, Magnesium and a multi. My question: After your fracture healed, did you adjust for life post-fracture or did you go on as before (as in our usual routine)? I no longer do some fairly normal things like putting on a fitted sheet on the bed (my husband does that) and also I don't bend anymore forward anymore.

jamr profile image

Thats good news to hear. Can you share your age and sex please? I am interested in your annual recovery rate from just diet, supplements and exercise. Does Calcium aggravate/cause your restless legs syndrome or something else?

Skodadet profile image
Skodadet in reply to jamr

Female, 69. I do get restless legs.....and arms...,but it's a lot better when I take magnesium and give up coffee.

Morningdew62 profile image

Hello, Skodadet

I read about your success story and I am so happy for you. This inspires me to follow the same osteoporosis treatment pattern as yours. I also battling with PMR. So we are in the same boat. Could you update us on how are you doing now? Are you better? Don't you take meds for bones? Thank you for your reply in advance. 😊

Skodadet profile image
Skodadet in reply to Morningdew62

Hello! I haven't had a bone scan since but still follow the same principles.. no meds for bones apart from supplements as before. I've fallen over now and then and never broken anything so far! My PMR has disappeared completely but I took prednisolone for so long my adrenal glands have packed up and I am now on hydrocortisone for life for secondary adrenal insufficiency. But that's OK!

Morningdew62 profile image
Morningdew62 in reply to Skodadet

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer! It's fantastic that PMR disappeared! How many years have you been on prednisolone?

Skodadet profile image
Skodadet in reply to Morningdew62

About 11 or 12 years before we realised I couldn't wean off due to adrenal gland atrophy so then switched to hydrocortisone.

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