I get back pain when I do exercises will it still be ok to do pressups.
exercises with severe osteoporosis - Bone Health and O...
exercises with severe osteoporosis

Goodness no, you could perhaps possibly do standing wall press-ups ups but you need to be very careful and gentle with whatever exercises you do.
There are lots of exercises you can do with osteoporosis and in fact I find I need to exercise daily to keep myself moving. I do Pilates three times a week as well as walking but my Pilates teacher is a physiotherapist with a special interest in osteoporosis. I do it with a small group of equally fragile ladies and we are very well looked after.
If I were you I would ask to see the osteoporosis physiotherapist at the hospital who have been looking after you and hopefully they will be able to help you. If that isn’t possible it might be worth looking for a private physiotherapist who deals with people with the sort of problems you’ve got but be very careful - you do not want just any old physiotherapist, you want one who knows how to treat osteoporotic patients.
The number one rule in my class - and we have all been working with this teacher for many years is - if anything causes you pain don’t do it - even if I have told you to do it and even if you have done it before and it hasn’t hurt.
I think you need to be careful and find someone to instruct you - at least to start you off, you don’t want to do yourself any damage especially if you already have back pain - you also need to find out exactly what is causing the pain.
no one is looking after me my back pain comes and goes, I go for a walk for 30mns 5xweek ,I have done weight training for years now I can't do any,any physio exercises I will do at home.
I have osteoporosis and developed bakc pain. Had an MRI from our local Spine and Pain Clinic and then had physio for core muscles. These strengthen the muscles around your centre, also help with balance. With severe osteoporosis you need to keep spine straight and use muscles in legs and bend from knees rather than waist in order to prevent damaging spine. There are some good videos on strong bones on You Tube and 'Strong Bones' page on FB, but it is important to know what is going on in your spine. I'd talk to your GP about being seen by a physio.
I agree with Fruitandnutcase. We need to strengthen supporting muscles. Pressups primarily strengthen the muscles of the upper body. Before you carry on with those you need to do exercises which strengthen your core muscles, which will help to support your spine.
yeah thanks but you can't do situps with severe osteoporosis.
Please don’t do sit ups - they will trash your back and won’t strengthen your core. There are lots of ways to strengthen your core without doing any damage.
Look at the ROS links that have been posted for you and you could look at this site too melioguide.com/free-course/ you also want to work on your balance to avoid falls.
If you were replying to me re doing situps - which I didn't and would never suggest - I have had to do exercises to support my back for many years and none of them involve any stress on the back itself! I cannot remember the last time I did situps. Probably when I went to aerobics classes in the early '80s!
I have back pain too, but follow advice from treatment centres in Europe, where they often prescribe hydrotherapy for osteoporosis if similar problems. it is becoming increasingly dfficult to get this in UK (don't know why they don't like it), but if you can afford private physio the Circle group of hospitals have a new machine: a Hydrotreadmill - very effective.
thanks, I go for a 30mn walk 5 days a week, I am only 8st because I have no testosterone to build myself up,I will do exercises at home if I can find the best ones for severe osteoporosis, I am not in pain all the time, I am waiting to start zoledronic acid infusion. I have no testosterone because it has not recovered since I finished treatment in 2016.
if you look at the ROS website they have videos and exercises they recommend for osteoporosis .theros.org.uk/information-a...
NO, NO. You need to strengthen core and lumbar first.
Please check out this site...
the exercises I have seen are all for osteoporosis ie walking and weight training, but not for severe osteoporosis, what are exercises to strengthen core muscles, I have done weight training for years and now I can't, I am getting weaker.
You can find suggested exercises on the link I sent, based on the symptoms you're experiencing.
Based on my experience, you need to be very careful in selecting the correct exercises, I've even had physiotherapists recommend things I should not be doing!
I only recently found a trustworthy physio and discovered my main problem is tight lumbar muscles and mild sciatica. I have a program of exercises which are helping. However, they are unique to 'my' problems and could be harmful to someone else. .
Please be careful with excercising! I am the same (72) and crumbling. recently found some info into the marodyne liv on another page. it's a vibration platform that strengthens your bones and muscles. lots of people have had really exciting results and it's all come from NASA. could be a really great option for you.
safe for anyone to use (even with fractures - it's so gentle) and the best bit is it helps to build muscle strength too! Means we don't need to risk doing any exercises that might be damaging. It's only 10 minutes a day and you just have to stand on it.
i found them really helpful if you are interested - mybones.health is the UK site. let me know what you think! Mine is on order!
yeah thanks, I spoke to someone at ros yesterday and I asked her about exercises, I asked if is ok to do pressups and she said yes because when you do them your spine is straight, and I asked about weight training and she said ok with light weight like an empty barbell and keep my spine straight, but take it slowly, I will look into that vibration platform, I bet they are dear.
oh that's good to know! definitely take it slow. hope you build some strength soon!
A little dear yes, but I figure, if it's for my health I aught to do what i can! anything that will help make me stronger, and maybe reverse the osteo time bomb would be worth every penny. it helps a bit that they will take off the VAT with your osteo diagnosis.
as much as I love walking, unfortunately i just can't risk it in this weather.
someone on another site broke it down for me and it really helped me to make sense of it.
it's £2,800 without the VAT. £2800 ÷ 5 years = £560 per year.
£560 ÷ 12 months = £46.66 a month
Or £560 ÷ 365 days = £1.53 a day. which is less than a coffee!
a worthwhile investment i hope