A doctor recommended I try AlgaeCal which has a calcium supplement and also a strontium suppl add-on . Has anyone here had good results by adding strontium to their bone density supplement regime?
Strontium, is it helpful for bone den... - Bone Health and O...
Strontium, is it helpful for bone density?

Did the doctor first check that you don't have any heart issues or high blood pressure? Strontium ranelate (the prescription version) is contraindicated with these, so as it's possible it's the strontium (rather than the ranelate) that carries the risk, I would only take a strontium supplement if I'd been checked out first. I wouldn't buy Algaecal because it's so expensive, but you can buy strontium citrate as a separate supplement. The recommended dose is 680g. I've been taking 340mg strontium citrate every other day (so 1/4 dose) on and off for 3 years, and get virtually all my calcium from diet. When I had a REMS scan after taking strontium for about 2 years, my spine bone density had gone from -2.6 to -2.3, but my hip density had got slightly worse! I'd also been focussing on upper body strengthening exercises, so can't be sure whether the strontium, the exercise, or both had made the difference. I did read, however, that strontium has more impact on the spine than the hips. I'm due my next bone scan next summer, and am now trying to strengthen my whole body, as well as having slightly increased my strontium dose (340mg maybe 5 days a week) so it will be interesting to see the results!
Thanks for your reply. So you do think Strontium may help? What are you basing that on please? I have been taking the AlgaeCal Strontium Citrate 680 mg daily as they recommend, algaecal.com/products/stron....
but then I came across this which terrified me: americanbonehealth.org/medi...
I don't have access to my computer for a few days, but will try to remember to get back to you with a study or two next week that shows the benefits of calcium citrate. I don't know whether it was that or resistance training that improved my spine score, but bear in mind I was only taking 1/4 of the recommended dose.
Pay no attention to the nonsense coming out of the FDA. They are all crooks and cheats and are simply after your money or assisting BigPharma in relieving you of your money. The FDA-inspired scandals pertaining to the Covid scandals tell you all you need to know. Stay away from the FDA or CDC... or anything, frankly, American.
You could give the specialist nurses a ring on their free number to discuss this.
0808 800 0035

Thanks, how do I dial these nurses from USA phone?, I get "your call cannot be completed as dialed" when I simply enter these numbers you gave: 0808 800 0035
Actually, to make an international call from North America, you have to start with 011, then the number given you by Morningdew62 (without the plus sign). Google search: how to dial a UK phone number from North America.
I think it's 0044 for UK, then 808 800 0035. But an international call is likely to be very expensive for both you and the recipient, unless you use something like WhatsApp, Messenger or Skype. You can email the ROS helpline instead
Hi GypsyGal2,
you need to put 44 in front and use 01761 471771. This takes you to a press button option. (I think you drop the zero at the front)
Sorry the 0800 will only work in the UK!
In the UK the dialling code is +44 so the phone number is +448088000035
I think I am going to go one 250 mgs every day . It’s about 1/3 the dose or maybe I will take more .