Hello everyone, I have just been given a prescription for nerve pain by my GP to help with a painful hip caused by my lumbar vertebral fractures. I also currently have lower back pain, left rib and shoulder pain, most likely caused by overdoing the exercise. I haven't been taking the pills for long but they haven't had any effect at all except for making me very groggy. I've been doing some research and, although I know that the efficacy and the side effects improve with time, I am not convinced that I want to take it long term and have difficulty coming off it. Just wondering if anyone has had any success with amitriptyline or if you could tell me what pain killers work for you .Thank you in advance!
Amitriptyline: Hello everyone, I have... - Bone Health and O...

I think I’ve read that amitryptiline works for some Pepe but not for others. I was given it years ago when I had Graves’ disease - unfortunately I was actually needing an increase in my levo but my GP didn’t want to do that and gave me amitryptiline instead. I took it for a while and I suppose the pounding heart symptoms I was having improved but I had weaned myself off it by the time my endocrinologist appointment came round and when I told her what my GP had prescribed she just rolled her eyes and said that wouldn’t have worked.I felt ok taking it though. I just knew it wasn’t what I was needing.
Two years ago I broke both bones in my wrist and then developed CRPS when the plaster came off. Hat was most unpleasant, I really needed to see a physiotherapist for treatment but covid had just started so there was no chance of that and my GP prescribed Lyrica - Pregabalin. I had terrible side effects with it blurred vision, couldn’t walk in a straight line - basically could barely walk. It was like having a total out of body experience and I also had an urge to take more and more to see if it would make my hand feel better so I stopped that and stuck with paracetamol and was able to get the fracture liaison physiotherapist to fix me up with online hand therapy. That hand therapist suggested I try gabapentin instead it had similar results although it was probably not as good at controlling the pain so we decided it wasn’t worth continuing.
I have recently acquired a sacral fracture along with lumbar disc problems - not fractures, they just overlap each other and pinch nerves, then I tipped over backwards as I was standing up in the garden and landed from waist height onto my tailbone - ouch!
At that point I could barely walk, went upstairs on my hands and knees the nerve pain was terrible as you can imagine. I was prescribed Naproxen by an A&E GP , I had quite a low dose and was ok with it, I’d say it worked well.
Shortly after that I had some private MRI scans done, the physio who referred me wrote to my GP saying I absolutely had to get control of the nerve pain and my new GP (I left my former GP because she refused to refer me for an X-ray because the hospital was busy and it was probably ‘just’ a touch of osteoarthritis’ so the new doctor prescribed a much stronger dose along with omeprazole and that was absolutely disastrous for me. I felt really dreadful and had the worst diarrhoea I have ever had in my life - worse even than when I was given Picolax before having a barium bowel scan. So I stopped that too and stuck with paracetamol. I then bought a PEMF mat which I lie on for 20 minutes twice a day and that has helped the pain enormously, I rarely take painkillers now. The mat was expensive and there are lots of warnings about who can use it but fortunately none of them applied to me and it works amazingly well.
I have had steroid epidurals in the past - one worked right away and only lasted for a few months, the second took longer to work but lasted for about 20 years. Up until last year Id say.
So for me amitryptiline was ok, although I wasn’t taking it for spinal nerve pain and I had a low dose so it definitely wasn’t addictive for me. I really would have like pd to have taken it instead of the gaba drugs but my GP muttered something about only taking it at night so that was that.
So sorry to hear about all your injuries@fruitandnutcase. Thank you for your helpful comments. Unfortunately I can't take NSIADs due to gut issues.
Sorry to hear about all your health issues. I am in a sort of similar situation, relentless pain originally caused by a T5 compression fracture 6 years ago which has got worse. I now have neuropathy due to an adverse reaction to the covid vax. I was thinking about amytriptoline again. No way would i take gabapentin or similar, both are addictive and taken long term cause osteoporosis. I was interested in the PEMF mat you mentioned as a last resort. Can you tell me which one you bought, thanks.
I bought this one - it comes with a little mat you can use in the car or elsewhere. newmedltd.co.uk/collections...
It’s not cheap but it has made such a difference to my life since I bought it - well it’s pretty much given me back my life. 😊
Thanks so much, I did see this one this morning and wondered about it. PayPal do interest free on some purchases. I see there is a 30 day money back. The pain for me is getting unbearable, firstly an old T5 compression fracture is starting up after 6 years, probably arthritis and scoliosis but since got neuropathy diagnosed this year and the most disabling are these horrendous headaches from a chiro cracking my neck nearly two years ago. So I'm very tempted
I was like that, I thought about it for ages before I got mine. I’m glad now that I did. I had a fractured sacrum and I’ve got disc problems in my back with a lot of pinching of nerves so I’d say most of my pain was nerve and deep muscle pain down through my buttocks. I was in a lot of pain and was waking up through the night on most nights. I didn’t get on with the prescribed pain killers so I was taking the maximum numbers of paracetamol and sometimes topping up with ibuprofen.I can’t remember how long it took to realise that my pain was reduced and I was sleeping so much better. I’m now up to just under 8 hours most nights but I’ve had eight hours too. No paracetamol either.
I hope if you try it, it works as well for you. Be sure to read the list of conditions that would prevent you from using it though.
I fully expect to go on the website and see this endorsement, as on a book jacket:
"It’s not cheap but it has made such a difference to my life since I bought it - well it’s pretty much given me back my life." --Fruitandnutcase
Seriously though, I'm glad it's worked so wonderfully well for you. Given risk/reward for other treatents, it's definitely worth trying. elaine2447 , the mats are expensive, but as you say, they can be returned for a month. You can use these mats at different frequencies, depending on what you're targeting. For example, this is the guidance given by OMI:
The one thing that has put me off the mat is the 1 year guarantee. I know it has been reduced to just under £500 but one year guarantee, that really doesnt inspire confidence in me now.
That's understandable. You can pay a lot more and get a 3-year guarantee or take a chance with the 1-year guarantee. If you used it for a month, I think you'd know whether or not you'd benefit and would have the option of returning it. But if you're not comfortable with the terms and decide not to try it, I do hope you find something that helps.
Hi. I hate taking medications for any reason and avoid it if I can. However, amitriptyline did help me short term. It enabled me to sleep when my pains were so bad I could not find a position to either sit or lie down to sleep. I believe the true pain killers were sleep, patience and time to allow healing and acceptance of a slower pace of life.
That's awful and now I find despite desperate to lie down and sleep, lying down sets my neck off with sickening headaches
What also helped me and which I still use, is a 12foot extra filled u shaped pillow. I did not know they existed....pregnant ladies apparently sometimes use them. An osteopath taught me to sleep with something under my knees to take pressure away from my back. The legs of the pillow are very movable. I just kick them where I want them. The u shape part of the pillow is the head rest and is the perfect height to take pressure away from my shoulder. This pillow has been my life saver. They should be more publicised.
I did buy one of those large v shaped pillows but it seems as soon as my neck touches, it sets the headaches off. Specialist rang the other day and wants to do a carotid blow flow scan but he is barking up the wrong tree as I am sure there is no blockage. I have to lie on my back now, if i dare lie on my side, the headache is even worse and rages through my ear and cheek bone and into my eye. I always have a pillow under my legs at night. I did try sleeping sitting up one night to avoid my neck but that killed my back where i have a t5 compression fracture. I am falling apart. The headaches are all because I alowed a chiropractor to crack my neck nearly two years ago and i already have arthritis in it and an old whiplash injury. Sadly my old osteopath retired as he used to sort my neck out for over twenty years. As for the neuropathy, that is something new and I did say to consultant that that and my general health have deterioriated since the first covid jab. To my surprise he said that is quite possible as we never know what effects the vaccines will have. Damned if you do and damned if you dont. I am glad at least you are sorted.
The pillow I'm talking about is a u (you) shape at the head area, not a v. They are very different. My neck does not touch it when I sleep. The back of my head or the side of my face touches the pillow. Often I fall asleep with my hand between my face and the pillow. The pillow can be positioned in many ways including degrees of sitting up. Even when sitting up, the support is the back of the head and shoulders. Because it is so big it doesn't move once in position unless you move it. If I had a partner, I think he'd be jealous of it...because it takes up so much room in the bed and feels like going to sleep in a cuddle. //Sorry to hear about your suspected response to the vaccine. I know I'm sensitive to chemicals and decided not to have it for that reason. Like yourself, I feel damned either way. I've experienced extremely negative and hurtful attitudes from people who have had the jabs. Even now I find myself being discriminated against because of it. The world has gone crazy in my book. I wish politicians would keep out of health issues. They are too easily influenced by big pharma who have big profits to make. Hope in time, the effects wear off and your health improves.
Oh I need to look for a U shape then. Where did you get yours.Worst thing I ever did have the vax with all my allergies and health issues. My daughter was worried about me not having it. Ironically she chose not to as she already has Transverse Myelitis and didn't want it flaring into. MS.
Don't talk to me about big pharma. They sadly rule the world.
Got mine from the internet. Just googled 12ft extra filled u shaped support pillow with case. Paid around £20.00 for mine about 4 years ago. There are several similar ones at different prices. Amazon probably has one. If you look on you tube there will be demonstration videos of the different ways they can be used.
Haven't looked properly but saw this one direct.asda.com/george/baby...
That one seems fine, in fact may treat myself to a new one. The cover of the one I have is not easy to put on after washing it.
Hi again. just read the reviews on the asda pillow. they seem to be poor quality and one lady said hers went flat quickly. The one I have is still as plump as the day I bought it.
Will keep looking. At the moment, literally in agony with neuropathy today so have just ordered some more diazepam.
Careful with diazepam. Can be addictive, can make you like a zombie and very aggressive when you come off of it. Take it short term if you have to. So sorry for the difficulties you are having. You are not alone. I know of many people who are suffering from what they believe to be effects of the vaccine. I'm wondering if doctors are reporting these cases. The world has gone crazy over vaccine. I've just heard that America is forcing people to have further vaccine before entering the country. A friend of mine has a ranch over there and cannot go home because he is unvaccinated. I'm 68, have had 3 of the covid variations, have not been vaccinated or been hospitalised. I didn't even ring a doctor, just toughed it out and took supplements. I hope things improve for you. xx
Thanks, I have just been watching some youtube videos of how in the US, they want the side effects of Pfizer to be put off for 75 years!!!!! As for the diazepam, I don't care a great deal for it as it contains histamines so i take an antihistimine with it, I dont know if that helps or not. It just relieves my neck a bit. I have taken benzos on an off for the last 37 years since my husband died unexpectedly but never enough to get hooked. All except for lorazepam, absolutely lethal in my opinion and gp's are still prescribing it even in the uk. The best benzo taken short term, is bromazepam, but not available in the uk any more since the 90's. Can you believe, the US dont prescribe it either and yet they are quite happy with drugs like xanax.
Hi eannj, I was given amitrypline for nerve pain by my doctor. Didn’t stop the pain but I ended up in hospital a fortnight later as my b-in-law said I was slurring to the paramedics and they thought I might be having a stroke. I was in hospital for 10 days being moved around. My consultant neurologist put me on gabapentin and high dose steroids then discharged me. A week later I’m back in as my bp was sky high and yet I still had the pain in my arm. Long story short I have taken myself off all medication except for my bp ones as I felt I’ll and spaced out on them. I am awaiting now to see a cardiologist. Still have intermittent pain in left arm and dizziness but at least I can function.
Hi Eannj - I have Hashimoto’s, Sjogrens, Fibromyalgia etc and take Amitriptyline for neuropathic pain. I only take 40mg at night and for me it works very well. I don’t feel groggy and have worked out the best time to take it in the evening. I did at one point come off it and realised just how much it was helping me. It doesn’t however work for everyone. The only painkillers I take are paracetamol - I won’t take anything stronger because of the addictiveness and I have GI issues so can’t take NSIADS. It is worth persevering for a while with the Amitriptyline in my personal view as it does take time to kick in properly. Gill
Thank you Gill for your encouraging words. I have Hashimotos too and take NDT. I have been worried about the two drugs interacting.
Hi, I take 1 x 10 mg of amitriptyline at night and find that it helps me sleep, my Dr suggested I take 2 but this did not make any difference. I also take Lyrica Pregabalin 1 x 100mg twice a day.
Do you have a n ELECTRIC HEAT PAD as I find this absolutely invaluable to both relieve pain and help me relax
If I am in really bad pain I now take up to 2 Co-codamol 15/500 which at the moment give me some relief and help me sleep.
I hope you can find something that will help and remember to be kind to yourself and to listen to your body x
My specialist has suggested amytriptolene or nortriptolene, I havent good what the difference is. I tend to rely on cocodomol which are pretty useless and heatpads. Someone earlier on said about electric heatpad. I have bought five of these, three for myself and two for friends. They are invaluable. I have a t5 compression fracture and the pain is sickening. These wraps are said for lumbar region but i wear one further up and I also wear one on my stomach as the fracture has upset the muscles. I am also on a try of medicinal cannabis but it is a slow journey and so far no help. By the way I even walk over to the supermarket in the winter wearing one of these. They are not gel packs so tend to retain their heat for around 3 hours or so. smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/produ...