I am a very active 69 year old with many health issues. I joined this site when I was diagnosed with osteoporosis as I was in a panic caused by my doctor when I refused fosomax. When I told him I had found supplements that I wanted to try he basically tried to make me feel like an idiot, however it didn’t work. I began loosing respect for this young doctor immediately. I offered him info to read and he refused. I have been on AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost for maybe 2 years or more and even though I have not been back for a scan to see if there has been improvement, I feel great and stronger than I did 15 years ago. I have scoliosis, thyroid problems( the medication I take is known for causing bone loss) and chronic dry eyes, oh, and arthritis, but I refuse to give up on my life and encourage all of you to keep searching. I am not online that much, but wanted to share some very special sites with you and wish you good health and happiness in your lives.
AlgaeCal.com. Not only do they sell products, but they offer hope and research information etc
For backcare: mysacredspine.com. I have done the home practice for scoliosis, but I have also done some of the things they offer in the back care class. They offer both and this course has been a blessing to me. Individual consults are also offered. Rachel Jesien and her assistant Judy are so knowledgeable and are teaching people worldwide .
OsteoPilates.com. Karena Thek offers so much info on the spine and has courses as well as free online classes on Thursdays for scoliopilates. Karena also is teaching people worldwide and offers individual consults through Zoom or will find someone in your area who has trained under her
Saveourbones.com That speaks for itself! Great info!
I must run, but I just had to share that with you.
There are wonderful people out there in this world who want to help us. I hope you find the right one for you! By the way, I am still hitting tennis balls with my dog, kayaking, paddle boarding, walking, occasionally golfing, gardening, pushing the lawn mower, playing in the ocean with my grandkids and refuse to give up! Every day is a blessing. Yes, I have bad days, but thankfully have movements that help and lot more knowledge of my body. Keep moving in the best way for you and don’t stop and never give up!