After being diagnosed with osteoporosis 2 years ago I had tried Alendronate and couldn't tolerate it; Tried Forteo for a couple of months but ended up in ER with shortness of breath. With my rheumatologist and internist approval I followed the Micronutrient protocol for 1 1/2 years - while taking prednisone. I only took half the recommended dose of strontium citrate and stopped the strontium citrate 6 months ago because of lack of research but I might resume. Never had any troubles with it. I add I was unable to do heavy exercising - too weak. I did treadmill and one leg standing, table pushups and stationary bike, house steps- that's all.
Results 2018: L femoral neck: T score-2.8 Z score -0.8
R femoral neck: -2.3 Z -0.3 Forearm: T score -1.7 Z score 0.7
Results 2020 : L femoral neck: T score -2.2 Z score -0.1
R femoral neck: T score: -2.2 Z score: 0.1 Forearm: T score: -2.0 Z score: 0.6
Same scanner both times.