Just been told I have to have another infusion . My first one was in Oct 2019 . Told my bone markers are still low. Anyone else experienced this as I thought these infusions were yearly for 3 years .?
Zoledronic acid: Just been told I have... - Bone Health and O...
Zoledronic acid

I thought the same as you. Zoledronic acid infusion once a year for three years and then discussed as what to do in future. You should not have your next infusion until October 2020?
I thought they were twice yearly for 3 years. Are you having it for osteoporosis or breast cancer?
Hi - I’m having it for re bound fractures caused by the stopping of prolia . Still waiting for specialist osteo nurse to return my call as I’ve queried it .
Thanks for reply x
I can confirm that what Kaarina says is true. I have had 3 Zol infusions over a three year period, one a year. But I have Osteoporosis with 4 fractures. You said you have been offered it for rebound fractures after Prolia. Do you mean you have had rebound fractures, or are trying to avoid them. If you have rebound fractures, surely that means you have Osteoporosis and not Osteopenia so actually you should be offered treatment. Whether you accept it or not is up to you.

I'm going to be having twice yearly infusions for 3 years for my breast cancer but I also have osteoporosis, spine T score -3.3. Perhaps my oncologist is going to use a smaller dose per infusion. I don't know yet.

Hi , I have fractures now caused by the stopping of prolia - apparently I should have been given an alternative to counteract the prolia . So yes I have osteoporosis. X
So you stopped the Prolia without going onto another OP medication. If you have had rebound fractures I would have thought you are now in the osteoporosis not osteopenia category and then yes, you will be offered OP meds. It is interesting that you stopped Prolia and were not offered another OP drug immediately.
I think you are correct to ask why they are recommending an abnormal schedule for the infusion. How did you do with the first infusion?
Where are you ? I thought every doctor in the whole world knows about the rebound effect by now. All this mess happened to me in 2018.
I’m in the UK . Can I ask how you are now ? I feel like I’m never going to get better . Been off work since October, really struggling with the pain . Mentally I’m not in a good place - so frightened of causing more damage . And as for my body image / don’t even know where to start 😞 x
It's been 5 years since I fractured and I'm still in so much pain. I also have Osteoarthritis of the hip which makes the pain worse. I'm on Fentanyl patches and Oramorph, neither of which helps much. Top up with Paracetamol. 🤕
Yes they are annually for OP. I would definitely question being told to have another so soon. There is another drug, ibandronate (Boniva) which is administered more frequently.
Did the doctor not tell you to immediately go onto a transition drug when you stopped the Prolia? That is just criminal. I’ve had 7 rebound vertebral fractures spread over the 24 months after I stopped taking the Prolia. I was not warned about the rebound fractures. My last one was in July 2019. I can just now stand up for more than 20 minutes. I try to go and walk around the grocery store(it’s huge) at least every other day. I am gaining strength but it’s VERY slow because my muscles are all so weak from two years of recuperating from continuing fractures. I’m taking all kinds of minerals and vitamins and hope they make my bones stronger.
Hi Amanda TF,
Cannot help with the infusion advice, sorry. Just wanted to say your feelings are normal. In some of your replies you've mentioned scared to move and of more fractures. I hope you have support around you at home. Due to the pain, discomfort etc I've kept comfy loose nightclothes for the majority of the time since fracture last October. I feel stupid, old in a very strange way and want to hide. 52 like you! Learning to live with this is going to take time and practice. Not easy when appointments have to be met, you haven't slept all night due to pain/discomfort/nightmares. And trying to dress not only hurts but makes your temper explode due to the frustration of lack of medical care and advice that may have protected us from these rebound fractures as your underwear gets wrapped around you, refuses to move while the clock ticks and you can do nothing but remain calm, slow and cautious with every move knowing you have to keep going. Somehow.
In other words, I understand. As sadly you, me, and others, have learnt. It seems a lifetime ago since I pulled away from home in my car and popped into town to do something like raid a favourite store for odds and sods. We will get normality back but it's going to take longer than we would prefer with a few amendments to keep us safe. Keep going, we will make it,xx
Yes yearly for 3 year's l had 2 but not the 3rd as my renal function deteriorated but my bones had built up quite a lot and now my renal function is slowly getting better l just have calseachew dforte twice a day now. Take care