Hi has anyone else been to a RA doctor and they haven’t been able to understand T scores ??as the DR I saw Monday didn’t know it hasn’t given me much confidence in him.
T score: Hi has anyone else been to a... - Bone Health and O...
T score

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As t-scores are used for determining fracture risk in osteoporosis I don't suppose a doctor specializing in rheumatoid arthritis sould necessarily need to know (although it seems like general information any medic should have). Or do you mean something else by "RA"?
Hi I have osteoporosis. And the DR my gp receptionist told me last year I have arthritis ..the department I went to was rheumatology so yes maybe they don’t need to know the scores.
Except that it is rheumatologists who also treat osteoporosis. So I just wanted to be clear that you are going to this specialist for treatment for rheumatoid arthritis? I'd be really worried if s/he had never heard of the t-score, but if they don't themselves treat osteoporosis they "might" be forgiven for not really understanding the significance of t-score levels.
How did the conversation go concerning the arthritis?
Hi he looked at my dexa scan results the word osteoporosis was on the sheet he said is this why you’re here I said I presume so.. he then said he didn’t understand the scores prescribed me vitamins said to have a blood test and spine lumbar x ray which I did.. The orthopaedic Dr I saw in June referred me to him.
Oh dear. I see your point. No matter how rough and ready the t-score system may be it really is the only measure we have and you'd have thought....
On the plus side he didn't send you off with a prescription for an OP med! Could be you don't need him anyway.
What’s a OP med?.
OP= osteoporosis. Think things like alendronic acid, etc.
Oh yes I took that didn’t agree with me now on risedronate that doesn’t like me either so he’s suggesting the 6 monthly injection.
Oh. So although he didn't understand your t-score he prescribed very serious medication to you anyway?
What is your t-score?
I’m going by a letter written it says-3.3.
Okay, that is significant. Numbers lower than -2.5 (remember we're talking about negative numbers) indicate osteoporosis. Have you sustained any fractures? As it's getting more and more apparent that the OP meds can't safely be taken for many years it's a good idea to also do the so-called natural things so that when it's time to discontinue the drugs you are well on the way to really improving your bone health.
Please don't agree to take Prolia (denosumab) which is what he may be talking about with the six month injection. This is the medication which if discontinued leads to rebound osteoporosis worse than the original condition. If you want to read some first hand accounts there are a number on this and the American Bone Health forums.
If you have not broken any bones I would not take any of them. I don’t! My tscores are worse than yours as well. Prolia is the worst as well. Do your research and start the natural regime.
Thank you I had two broken toes and a cracked metatarsal I think I’ll re try the RIse D I wasn’t as bad on that as the A Acid..I don’t want to take it lightly to have a injection that I may react to and can’t possibly do anything about it...And I will now research all I would actually like which is not much to ask for is a DR to explain everything to me about it as the Dr who referred me in June from orthopaedic clinic told me not to run not that I can now don’t work etc he was worried so obviously that worried me thanks for your advice.
Have a look at my story for ideas on the natural stuff. Fyi, when I went to an osteoporosis program at my local hospital we were told that they didn't consider small broken bones like fingers and toes to be valid criteria for fragility fractures because they are so small. They were concerned more with the large bones and the spine. I did have a broken tibia several years ago, although I don't believe it was a fragility fracture the medical people called it one and added it to my FRAX (or chances of future fracture) score.
And even though you are told to avoid impact exercise like running it isn't a bad idea to maintain some sort of more gentle impact on the spine to maintain its density.
Ok I will do thanks all very helpful information.. I’m waiting for results of spine etc I love swimming and will go back to that although at the moment it makes the cortisol worse but I feel I need it and I’m hoping the vitamins will help and after the operation I can hopefully concentrate of building my bone density back .
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