I realised when I had my last dexa scans that my height was not recorded accurately! Almost 2 inches less than I actually am. This was confirmed at my GP. Does anyone know if this is used in the algorithm that gives you your final score? Would it have an affect on the score? Thanks
Accuracy of. Dexa Scan Score - Bone Health and O...
Accuracy of. Dexa Scan Score

Yes, you can look up FRAX risk assessments on line to check out the method used. Both my height and weight were incorrectly recorded during a GP rheumatoid arthritis review (!). Subsequently I received a phone call requesting I see a GP to discuss the result. I was told I had severe osteoporosis…shown the scores and they were high, advised to take bisphosphonates. 2 weeks later I had an appointment with my rheumatologist who retested me (using corrected height/weight figures and 18 month old DEXA scan results) and said I have a normal FRAX risk for a female my age (76) and most certainly did not require bisphosphonates! He followed this up by reporting his results to my GP. I cancelled the medication and spoke to the practice manager about the fact that a clinical healthcare assistant had incorrectly computed the scores! The incorrect scores are still showing on my NHS notes though…..no mention of the Consultant’s letter and findings!
Doesn't surprise me one bit, I had a letter following a dexa scan saying I had osteoporosis and that I should discuss Bisphosphonates with my GP. I requested the actual dexa results and found that I had osteopenia not osteoporosis and only one reading was close to an osteoporosis score.
I chose not to take any bisphosphonates.
me too! But I do wonder how many others are given incorrect results and are prescribed these drugs with POTENTIAL (not to panic anyone) nasty side effects when it’s totally unnecessary!
Similar scenarios happen with other medications also. Every time I have a cholesterol test, they want me to take statins for the rest of my life. Every time, I ask for a breakdown of the components, for which they have to use a different test. Results always come back with a high reading of good cholesterol, showing how healthy my levels really are. How many people take medications when they don't really need them? The doctor is always amazed at how much lower my score is within one week. It just shows how little some doctors understand how the tests work and that they blindly follow proceecures set by big pharma who make huge profits.
You are so right! I think the last time I had a cholesterol test my doctor said I had a 15 % chance of having a heart attack on the next 10 years! To which I said - oh good, that means I have an 85% chance of not having one. I must admit she smiled. I am very very wary of Big Pharma. Thanks for replying 🙂
indeed! I found that my cousin who is 73 was prescribed alendronate by the fracture clinic after she slipped off their very steep stairs and fractured her ankle. She had a DEXA and is only in the osteopenia range and has a healthy diet and does a lot of walking. She had nasty side effects from the AA and has never been referred to a rheumatologist or endocrinologist! After talking to me she stopped taking it and requested a referral to a specialist for a repeat DEXA and a proper discussion about whether she needs medication at all. It’s not even clear that she had a fragility fracture.
That's shocking! I hope she carries on with her life as before. When I had falls I would have expected anyone to have broken something because of the manner of my fall. I fell again a year ago and amazingly didn't break anything even though I fell on my hip with the pins in it! Tore muscles, ligaments, tendons but no break. They are still healing, takes a long time. Seems medics are so quick to prescribe! I take supplements and I think they must be working 🙂
Me too. Won't touch them. I had a severe fall a year ago and onto a hip I broke 20 years ago. But, didn't break anything! Mind you the soft tissue damage has taken a long time to recover. But that's normal 😄
My goodness! That's just too awful. I think I've been very fortunate as I had a friend in the USA and she was prescribed medication for osteopaenia. The side affects were horrendous and I have never agreed to take them. Thank goodness you got an accurate result. Thanks for answering my query. Stay well.
Should your weight be without clothes?Should your height be without shoes?
I have had the same problem with inaccurate information on my medical records.
Glad you pursued that. Good luck!
I've always been weighed with clothes on but not coats or anything like that and with no shoes. I think shoes can make a great difference! Inaccurate information makes it impossible for doctors to make decisions doesn't it. In fact it's quite annoying! Thanks for replying 🙂
I was weighed at my doctors last weeekb- clothes and shose on. As I went to take the shoes off the nurse said they always weigh with shoes on! I weighed my shoes - they are ECCO Gore-Tex walking shoes with real heavy soles I weighed them later 2 lbs so that along with all my clothes (I had a lot on because it has been cold) no coat though, I’m not sure she got the most accurate weight. Quite bizarre although I suppose it would show patients who are losing weight.
At my last rheumatology visit I was weighed with all my clothes on - ok there’s a limit to how much you can probably take off but my height measured with my shoes on - I offered to remove them to get an accurate measurement but was told not to bother 🤔
Next time I go back I think I’ll wear some platform soles and grow taller although saying that I wonder if anyone even looks at the measurements they take.
Oh I grew 2 inches a couple of scans ago! Mainly because the dexa operator didn't read the scale properly on the scan before! Then I found out that the person that thought I had grown had read the scale properly! It's a nightmare really if they think you have lost nearly two inches.