Hi I’m recently diagnosed with osteoporosis and it has been recommended that I take HRT or Raloxifene, does anyone else take these and could tell me what they’re like, I’m not sure about side effects. Thank you
Medication : Hi I’m recently diagnosed... - Bone Health and O...

Hi there, I have been taking Raloxifene for the past 10weeks. I am 73 and my consultant didn’t want to prescribe HRT. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis 9yrs ago and managed to maintain bone density through exercise, diet and various supplements. However 2yrs ago I was a passenger in a car accident which resulted in a fractured sternum and two lumbar compression fractures. I have also had other health issues this past two years (now resolved) but I wasn’t able to exercise and my DEXA scan took a dip. My consultant was wanting me to take bisphosonates but I was strongly opposed to this and he eventually agreed to Raloxifene. I was still very anxious because the list of possible side effects is long and some people have experienced unpleasant symptoms. It also carries a slight risk of stroke, so before taking it I went for a health assessment. I am slim, active (I walk, go to the gym and attend Zumba, Pilates and Yoga classes), I have never smoked, drink little alcohol, my blood pressure is normal and cholesterol low. I did therefore decide to take the risk. So far, so good. I have had no side effects whatsoever. It is a small tablet, easy to swallow and digest, taken once a day. I know other people will describe their side effects but I did speak to the NOS nurses and they said many people tolerate Raloxifene well, although it is always an individual choice and an individual reaction regarding any medication decided upon. Good luck in your personal choice
Stickman: I won't take those dreaded bone meds EVER, so my doctor has put me on HRT. I have been on it for several months now and I feel fine. Please think carefully about NOT taking ANY bone meds as the side effects can be life altering and just simply awful. Google some of them...you'll see what I mean. I'm 70 years old and my doctor still allows me to take HRT.
If you use the search facility (at the top of the page - just says search) and put in Raloxifene which is also known as Evista there are some posts about it. I haven’t read them yet. There is also the site Inspire.com which has some posts if you do a search on it.
As with all medication it’s up to you to do your research and make your choice. From what I have read today this medication is different to and works differently from bisophonates. I’m not on any medication yet (long story) so can’t offer any insights. Best wishes for your future health.
I took HRT until I was 70. I was having pain in my breasts at that point and quit the HRT. The pain went away then. I do feel like the HRT helped preserve my bone density.
Thank you for your answers, I go to the doctors on New Year’s Eve so need to have made a decision by then, I’m edging towards HRT but to be honest I’d rather not take anything
I can't take HRT, as I have had Breast Cancer. so I have annual Zoledronic Acid infusions . I feel once we have been given advice by our doctors, nobody else can make the decision for us. What suits one might not suit another.

I’m glad you have a decision you seem at peace about. It’s helpful when you get a doc that explains to you why they are recommending one over the other and allows you to see both the benefits and possible side effects. That’s sounds simple but it’s primarily what I’m searching for—and it’s a rather sad & confusing process.
Hi I was in this situation recently and went to get a second opinion and the consultant did a ctx bone marker test ( not available on the nhs)that showed I didn’t have increased bone resorption so I can delay treatment for now . He recommended Evista in the future instead of HRT. I will continue researching it as those who seem to have prevented bone loss over a long period are on some form of hormonal treatment . The consultant wanted more tests done on the cause of the OP so I am pursuing this before I commit to any treatment . I found useful information / experiences and contacts on some of the OP groups on Facebook but you have to ensure you get the facts not scare stories or misinformation .
Thank you I think the evista in raloxafine this was the other drug they recommended, I don’t really want to take any medication but I have already broken 5 bones including my hip and leg and I’m scared of breaking anymore so I’m considering HRT, this seemed to have the least side effects. It’s all very confusing, I got a letter in the post saying I have osteoporosis and need to make an appointment with the doctor.
I'm 61 and take yearly Reclast and am on HRT. ( Climara Pro. 1/2 patch a week) So it's what they believe is the lowest, effective dose for a woman my age. It is a controversial issue but my doctors know that I am fully knowledgeable regarding the risk/benefit ratio and I'm willing to roll the dice. Living with fracture after fracture, not being able to stay active for fear of fracturing isn't a life for me. I know if I do nothing, the disease will just get worse. I hear people say that their doctor ordered sunshine and I honestly feel that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I live in sunny Florida, I've been active for 3 decades ( running, weights, tennis, biking, elliptical 5-6 days a week) don't smoke, eat healthy and STILL have osteoporosis. So for some people, like me, diet, exercise, sunshine, etc are just not enough. You have to take something or you will get worse. You just have to pick the medicine that you can live with. My sister tried Evista but it caused her too much bone pain. Good luck to you all!

Agree. I am the same. Have done all the healthy living things for at least 15 years before my diagnosis. I am taking Alendronic Acid weekly. I have added a weighted vest and targeted exercise.
We need to research the meds. They are part of my treatment plan. Good luck.
I went to docs today and he prescribed HRT, still not happy about taking it really, not sure what the alternative will be,
Have you considered Protelos - Strontium ranelate? It was withdrawn from around August last year but is now back in January so I understand. I was devastated when it was no longer available. As long as you have no cardiovascular problems and your BP is ok and you are fairly active, it is a great drug, in my opinion, considering the other options we have. There was scaremongering about this drug and doctors were not prescribing it or patients did not wish to take it due to bad publicity. This is the only OP drug I am at all interested in taking. Forsteo may be ok but you can only take it for two years and then have the worry of what to take afterwards.
Thank you for the reply, the other meds I was offered is Raloxifene but it has quite a lot of side effects, my spine is -3.5 don’t know if this is ok and I would manage this with diet and exercise alongside calcium D3