This problem (early vertebral or pelvic fractures after discontinuation of Prolia)
seems to be the dirty little problem that Amgen was aware of well before the black box warnings came into effect. In the meantime countless sufferers are sustaining unexplainable fractures of the vertebrae, and in my case my sacrum as well.
The drop in bone density (after Prolia discontiuation) with out switching to an alternative modality is well understood and has been for some time. I was never warned of this 1.5 years ago, and as a result am suffering the consequences. When I started Prolia, no warning was given. I would like to poll this group to get some idea of those affected in different locals...i.e Canada/England/U.S./other.
I believe there is a strong case for a class action suit where there were no warnings from the manufacturer or those Doctors prescribing for big pharma. If you are interested pass the word.