Hi, I was diagnosed with osteoporosis in December, after I broke my left wrist in 3 places in August. I had a bone density scan in October last year, and my GP gave me the diagnosis in December. Also I was told after numerous blood tests that I have hyperthyroidism for which I am taking carbimazole. I am taking alendronic acid, plus Theicald3,. I am also having treatment for rotator cuff tear in my left shoulder/arm, caused by my fall in August. I'm also waiting for a liver scan as blood tests show abnormalities. All this since my fall in August!!
New to osteoporosis : Hi, I was... - Bone Health and O...
New to osteoporosis

Welcome Callmesue, you have had a lot happen to you since you fell in August haven’t you. None of it anything you want to have is it! You know the saying ‘it never rains but it pours’ well it appears to have poured for you doesn’t it.
I was diagnosed with Graves’ disease back in 2012/3 unfortunately not one single person mentioned the link between Graves and osteoporosis, then in 2015 I was diagnosed with sero negative inflammatory arthritis and prescribed a short course of prednisolone- again not a single person mentioned the link between RA, taking steroids and osteoporosis. So much time wasted when I could have been working on my bones.
More work definitely needs to be done to educate the public about the importance of looking after our bones.
I don’t know if you have found the ROS website but it is well worth having a look through or even joining, there is a mass of good information on there as well as on this HU site that you can read theros.org.uk
I broke my wrist start of October last year. I broke the Distal Radius. I should say demolished it really, it was a very bad fracture and had to have surgery and a metal plate and screws inserted. I broke the other wrist Distal Radius 3 years before that and no one ever mentioned about having a DEXA scan.
This time I asked for one, as my mother had Osteoporosis. Anyway, results show I have it too. I am not on any medication as yet.
I have Hashimotos Thyroid Disease which means I sometimes go into a temporary Hyperthyroid state if I have a flare but I am mainly Hypothyroid. Since the fall my Thyroid has gone all over the place so I am having further investigations with my Endocrinologist. I have never been discharged from the hospital for my wrist fracture in October as I have complications, I believe CRPS, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.
I still can't use my hand properly, stiff, swollen and still in pain. I have hand therapy and see Dr in Trauma clinic. Last 2 months my shoulder has been so painful. I mentioned it to therapists etc and no one really bothered. However, xray shows impingement. I have since had an ultrasound, results next Friday. I saw a private Physiotherapist who diagnosed a Frozen Shoulder. The Trauma doctor believes my shoulder problem is result of my fall back in October.
All I am trying to say is you are not alone, out of one thing seems to come more problems down the line or opens up a can of worms and it all appears to be never ending!!
I was actually standing still when someone accidentally pushed me in a dance class and I ended up on the floor. I can't believe that out of that I now have so many issues and everything seems to have gone wrong.
Anyway, do keep positive as I am sure in the not too distant future all will be resolved and happier times lie ahead and this awkward period will be a distant memory.
Thanks, good to read your comments. As you say, from one fall, it's just escalated out of control. I was pretty healthy up until that point. I also have a plate and screws, and still swelling and pain in my hand.
Take care
Same here. I have a few little health issues but all was under control and I was leading a happy life, now everything has changed in what was a split second but I suppose that is life!!
Interesting to hear you still have hand problems. I believe after ORIF wrist surgery it can take longer to recover as I am finding out and you too. It is a bit of a ongoing nightmare and I do wish you well.
It's strange that we both have shoulder problems after our falls, that started a few months afterwards .Recently my middle finger seems to lock in towards my palm. I have to push it back out!
I'm seeing my hand injury specialist on Tuesday, I'll ask her advice
Dr in Trauma clinic says it is sometimes injury from fall that remains asymptomatic and then flares up and shows itself. All I know is it is very painful. My fingers go stiff, two in middle go stiffer than others. My hand and wrist sometimes lock almost like I just broke it and next day it will be better!!! All a mystery. Hand injury specialist sounds a good idea. I think I might have to resort to that myself. Good luck with that.
I was referred to hand injury specialist by my physiotherapist. My middle two fingers are the worst. I hope you can get to see the hand specialist