Good Morning! I'm 37 and have Osteoarthritis is both knees and my neck. I've been having pain now under my rt clavicle, shoulder and my ribs. Can this too be Osteoarthritis? I find these locations pretty weird to have pain.
New pain: Good Morning! I'm 37 and have... - Bone Health and O...
New pain
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I am not sure. So sorry I can't be more helpful
Hi Wontgiveup37,
I suffer with osteoarthritis and osteopororis. This forum is for those with the condition OP or osteoporosis. You may have posted on the incorrect forum by mistake. There is a great forum on the Arthritis Care website. Arthritis Care have a helpline which I have heard is very helpful and supportive just like the Osteopororis Helpline.
There is also a forum on this site entitled Arthritis Action.
Do you suffer with osteoporosis as well?
I thought this forum was for all kinds of bone issues? It is called Bone Health.
Hi HeronNS
At the top of the page it says: "What we do
The National Osteoporosis Society (NOS) is the only UK wide charity dedicated to ending the pain and suffering caused by osteoporosis. We have created this group to allow us to reach and help more people who may have questions about osteoporosis. "
At the top of the page is also the NOS logo. Also the phone number for the helpline to speak with a nurse about Osteoporosis.
I do not mind who calls into this forum but thought it would be helpful if the question is related to osteoarthritis they would receive more benefit from chatting to forum members suffering with arthritis of which there at least 100 different types.
Oh, okay, just goes to show how much attention I paid to that, at least recently!
Although, when I scroll up on my computer it just says, "Lets get a fracture liaison nurse in every hospital." and I didn't know the logo was for the OP society, and I imagine none of your non-UK members will know that. Therefore I suggest osteoporosis be one of the words of the forum title, not just bone health.
If you feel strongly that the word Osteopororis be in the forum title you will have to get in touch with the NOS.
Hopefully in the future every UK hospital will have a fracture liaison nurse to help/advise/support patients diagnosed with osteoporosis.
Heron, if you click "about" at the top of the page it says "The National Osteoporosis Society (NOS) is the only UK wide charity dedicated to ending the pain and suffering caused by osteoporosis. We have created this group to allow us to reach and help more people who may have questions about osteoporosis."

OK. I went into the list of all the communities and found Bone Health. When you click on that you do indeed get the info you are all so painstakingly trying to point out to me! BUT I always access through the list of notifications of messages, which takes me directly to the message (e.g. this page) where there's no indication this is an osteoporosis forum. I suppose when I first signed up I must have known that and had forgotten. But I still think it's an easy mistake to make, especially if one is used to a site like Patient where related diseases are grouped.
Hello! This is indeed a forum for bone issues, predominantly osteoporosis as that's what the charity is set up to support. Osteoarthritis is a joint issue which is not something the National Osteoporosis Society focuses on, instead we signpost people to Arthritis Research UK, the charity mentioned by another contributor
Yes you're correct. I did post on this forum by mistake. Thanks.
Assuming the pain is caused by arthritis, it could be referred pain. If you have arthritis in your neck there could be a nerve which is being compressed and the pain is appearing somewhere else. I have referred pain from time to time and it doesn't even have to be caused by arthritis. For example right now I'm recovering from a rotator cuff injury (blame snow last winter) and yet the pain is felt in a muscle several inches away from the site of the strain! And in the past I've had severe hip pain, but x-rays revealed no arthritis in the hips, thank goodness, but various physio exercises and other non-invasive interventions to help my spine seem to have got rid of the hip pain, so that appears to have been referred pain also. Can you get referral to a physiotherapist, who may be able to suggest exercises which will strengthen muscles supporting the cervical spine and relieve pressure causing the pain, if that is indeed the cause?
Maybe. That's something to look into. Thanks for the advice.
On the NHS website, I found a video which was very interesting talking about arthritis mainly but saying how useful and necessary boron is. Apparently boron is mined in Turkey and Israel and there is no arthritis in those countries as the water and soil is rich in boron. There is little in our soil in the UK hence more arthritis. Boron is found in our bones so we definitely need it in our diet along with all the other minerals and vitamins they suggest.
Hi Ginny,
Taking boron has done nothing positive that I notice for my osteoarthritis I have been taking boron daily for a long time now and I also enjoy eating an avocado a day (contains boron) as it is good in helping to lower cholesterol (not that mine is that high but ideally should be lower) as well as being beneficial for bones.
I am taking a supplement but there is only 3 MG of boron and I think I should take a higher dose but I don't know where to find it online. I am taking D3 as I am sure I was low in this vitAmin. I am taking 800 mg.
Hi Ginny,
Londonium, another forum member, mentioned that she will probably be ordering Swanson Ultra Vitamin D & Boron Complex (6mg Boron).
I was taking Boron 6mg daily but could not find it again on the internet when I looked, so am back on 3mg daily along with an avocado daily.
You can ask your GP for a Vit D test to check your level. I believe you are entitled to this once dx with OP. That is what I did anyway. My GP was not aware but came back to me to say that I was right and I had my Vit D level checked via the NHS.
I have my dexa scan report - can anyone explain what maternal fractures are?
Maternal fractures - family history of osteoporosis. On my DEXA results it says maternal history of osteoporosis and my mother had OP.
I take it your mother had a diagnosis of OP ....
You can always give the helpline a call tomorrow and speak with a nurse.
Thank you Kaarina. My mum did have OP but in later life. She died at 88 but did fall before then and broke her hip. My dad's sister had it very badly but lived to be 96. She went so short it was unbelievable but wasn't in pain which was amazing. Thanks for your advice, much appreciated.
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