Hi. I'm hoping you can help, My vitamin d is 50nmol (range 50-100) so dr put me on D3 800IU. My symptoms are extreme tiredness and tingling hands and feet. I work from home so during the weekend don't go out I'm also overweight. Are these vit d deficiency symptoms? Thanks
Vitamin D Deficiency: Hi. I'm hoping... - Bone Health and O...
Vitamin D Deficiency

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You are well within a normal range of Vitamin D. It's only recently that "they" upped the normal range to 50-70 from 40! And 800 IU is a very conservative supplement, pretty much what we all should have every day as a minimum.
You say you don't go out. Can you manage to get out for a walk in the open air every day, preferably early rather than later so you have the benefit of the exercise to carry you through the day? Even ten or fifteen minutes could be helpful.
How long have you been taking the D3 compared to the symptoms? It sends me to sleep when I take it. Whilst taking D3 you also need to make sure that you have K2 in your diet or as a supplement otherwise the D3 will strip calcium out of your bones. The K2 directs the calcium that D3 processes from your diet into the bones - so you need to ensure that you are getting calcium in your diet too
Yes the symptoms you describe could be a D deficiency if they were there before you started taking it. mdguidelines.com/vitamin-d-...
800IU seems little more than a maintenance dose really. The upper limit is 4,000IU and the toxic limit is 40,000IU.
I was taking about 4000 through both food and supplements and my D level went rather close to toxic level. This is very unusual. My body, apparently, does not regulate active D properly.
I guess we all have our crosses to bear, it just put me to sleep. I couldn't even wake up during the hours my eyes were open! Read up online Took a break and was fine. Tried again and the same thing happened. I was just thinking about getting a different brand and see if that makes any difference when I found this gettingstronger.org/2012/11... and remembered what I had read before so might think again
Interesting. This supplement thing is definitely a moving target and a healthy, varied diet and getting outdoors is the best. Except we've damaged our environment and food supply so much....
Don't get me started!! Big Pharma, Big Farmer and Big Food It makes me so mad, what they have done to our heritage and our bodies. The more money they make the worse our health becomes. Bless the internet for alerting the world and starting a revolution
Unless you can grow your own and know the full history of all your food, it is just about impossible to get away from additives and adulteration.
Did you follow the link to the 'the alternative to vitamin d supplements' page - about how to make the best of the vitamin D you already have? gettingstronger.org/2013/02...
I have no idea what to do about my high vitamin D level except not take any supplements containing it.
don't know if you have seen this before or can get any tips from it. vitamindcouncil.org/further...
Me? I'd start by covering up from head to foot but then the sun and I don't have a very good relationship
Hi. I've had the symptoms since March and only just got the prescription today do no actually started yet. Oh no I'm tired already I don't want to feel tireder! How long till that subsides? Thanks for the k2 and calcium info I'll make sure I get those in my diet
Hi how much VD to VK should you take
Have you been checked for underactive thyroid? By chance my GP found mine was u/active back in January, and I now take thyroxine. Tingling hands and feet that had plagued me for years have gone. I had become so tired I just couldn't get up some days, and had to rest in bed - extreme tiredness is another symptom of u/a thyroid, as is being overweight and finding it almost impossible to lose any. If not tested, go back to GP and ask for thyroid test.
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