So doctor confirmed osteoporosis... A tablet once a week ale demonic acid ... And evacal twice daily any one know anything about this type of meds ?
It's official I have osteoporosis joi... - Bone Health and O...
It's official I have osteoporosis joined this group a while back but have been waiting for scan and results doctor called today .....

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I love that - DEMONIC acid! Depending what your t-score is, and whether you have already got spinal fractures, you may want to think VERY HARD about taking any of the bone meds. They come with a possibility of dire side effects, although of course not everyone gets those, but there is no doubt that they do interfere with the normal bone remodelling which leads to stronger bones, so ultimately you will not have stronger bones after taking them, even though a scan may say they are more dense.
It is probable that following an appropriate exercise and nutrition protocol can improve bone density at least as well as any pharmaceuticals and without any side effects. The bones will be made healthier in a natural way. But it is much harder work than popping a pill or getting an injection. Doctors seem to be dead keen on getting us to take the pills.
Hi Heronns thanks for your reply must say the Demonic thing did make me chuckle I am sitting looking at the script for the demonics lol and thinking I Don't want to put that stuff in me once a week .. But saying that I don't want. To be open to fractures it's difficult I think I will have to do a lot of reading then make an informed choice doctor also wants me to take evacal D3 got a lot of thinking to do I think ...
Yes, do your research before filling the prescription. The jury seems to be out on whether in the long run AA and its relatives do prevent fractures, or whether they just change the kind of fractures one is liable to get (and not for the better). Any medication that after a few years leads to an increased risk of breaking the femur, the strongest bone in the body, has to be looked at with great caution and even skepticism. At least, that's what I think. I'm giving myself a year to prove to myself and my doctor that I can make my bones stronger, or at the very least maintain my current density, without recourse to the drugs. I'm on steroids to treat polymyalgia, so that is an added risk, but also another reason not to expose myself to side effects from another heavy-duty medication. But I'm speaking as one who "only" has osteopenia, and it's just my opinion. I did a lot of reading before I made the final decision to refuse the drugs, but I confess my initial reaction was negative anyway. I feel more informed and justified now.
Hi again been unwell since being diagnosed as soon as I am feeling better I am going to get reading I have a feeling I will probably opt for the natural root if I can ... first off I am going to ask my GP for a copy of scan report so I know how bad it is and if it is worth trying natural root.. Hope all goes well with your own battle with your health issues take care .
Dear Nannyfran,
I would urge you to do the research, seek expert opinion and make an informed decision. As someone who has had osteopenia and been treated successfully with Alendronic acid I would endorse the drug.
I am 64 years old, have had rheumatoid arthritis for over 40 years and had steroid therapy again over 40 years. My osteopenia developed following chemo etc for breast cancer and an ankle replacement. Got a stress fracture of my right femur whilst in a cast of my left leg for the ankle replacement. That was when the osteopenia was diagnosed. The drugs were my only option as I am unable to exercise very much due to my RA. Eat a good diet and take supplements but made the decision to go with drugs. Not pleasant to take but after 4 years bone readings within normal limits for my age. Four years on and a hip replacement later still OK!
Everyone needs to take their own informed decisions and I would urge you to do the same depending on your individual situation and health.
Regards Pam
Hi scorer thank you for taking the time to reply to me since being diagnosed I have been very unwell with a chest infection as soon as I feel better I am going to arm myself with as much information as I can and hopefully make a dissision that works for me really want to go down the natural root if that is possible good luck with your treatment ..
I've just been rereading a book about bones and sooo glad I've never gone the Big Pharma route. Studies have been done showing that natural treatments work just as well as pharmaceuticals without the side effects. Strontium citrate (not a patented med) is safer than ranelate....
Hi Nannyfran, I have to say that I am with HeronNS all the way. I was diagnosed with osteopororis a couple of months ago, and I've done, and continue to do extensive research, which all points the the fact that one can often increase bone density naturally, through diet, supplements and exercise. I also have CFS/ME, so exercise is a challenge, however I'm determined to show my GP that I can improve my bone density without the use of these 'demonic' drugs. As HeronNS says, do your research, but if you need any tips on good books/websites etc., please do let us know. Take care of yourself, and I hope you're feeling a little better by now.
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