I am 50 and have just been prescribed Fosamax for my osteoporosis. I am terrified of taking it because of the side effects. I have decided that HRT (I am just postmenopausal), with the known side effects would be preferable. Does anyone else feel the same? Btw, otherwise I am totally healthy.
HRT v Fosamax: I am 50 and have just... - Bone Health and O...
HRT v Fosamax

My first thought is, as you are only 50, stay away from the bisphosphonates at all costs if you possibly can. I would think a short term of HRT while you get your ducks in a row for natural bone regeneration would be a good option - although as I am not medically trained this is only a gut reaction, not an informed one. I've worked out a bone health protocol for myself as I am on prednisone for polymyalgia which can cause bone thinning and I am already osteopenic. Would you like me to private message my little essay to you? I wrote it mostly to keep track of things for myself but other people seem to have found it helpful.
Thank you for replying so quickly. Yes, I'd love you to private message your essay to me. I'm new to this site so not sure how one does that.
I am so depressed about having osteoporosis so it's really nice not to feel alone.
The side effects of HRT believe it or not seem preferable to the ones listed in the box of Fosamax. At least it would help slow the ageing process which I'm also not good at.
Not really, I used to feel like you, but I've had breast cancer and wouldn't touch HRT ever again. Glad your health is good apart from osteoporosis. I'm waiting to be started on Alandronic Acid.

Yes, Poemsgalore and 1965Katy, I would emphasize "short" duration for HRT, and only if the osteoporosis is seriously developed, and with close consultation with knowledgeable doctors. I've avoided HRT and OP meds (now 68, must take prednisone for polymyalgia, only heavy duty med I've ever had to take). If you really want to be freaked out google "fossy jaw" and you will see what the chemical the bisphosphonates are based on can do. And the problem with the OP meds is they can't be taken for many years, and then what? For a fifty-year-old I personally think the bisphosphonates would be a mistake. They do increase bone density but by preventing bone remodelling (the breakdown of old bone and rebuilding of new). This is why one becomes liable after several years to a greater increase of atypical fractures. This could be a reasonable trade off for someone nearing the end of life, I don't know, but not for someone who is still in midlife. That's just my opinion, of course. Maybe the OP meds that are not bisphosphonates are safer; again, I don't know.
Thank you HeronNS and Poemsgalore. I totally agree about the short duration of HRT but it does seem to be the lesser of two evils. I'm someone who has always avoided taking any pharma drugs so I'm pretty down about it all, and have been putting off the dreaded day. I have been having Dexa scans for the last 6 years and my osteoporosis has got progressively worse and I have been told that treatment is now definitely needed. I exercise a lot and am incredibly careful about my diet and taking the correct vitamins etc. The Fosamax list of common side effects i.e. 1 in 10, are horrendous. e.g. alopecia, severe muscle and joint pain, ulceration of the gullet, joint swelling, asthenia to name but a few. That's not including the osteonecrosis of the jaw and femur fractures. One needs to have some quality of life or else what's the point? I was thinking of maybe taking HRT for 10 years and then moving on to Raloxifene.
Poemsgalore, have you thought about taking Raloxifene? And did you take HRT before getting breast cancer?
Tough decisions aren't they? 1965Katy have you any signs of fractures? I know how you feel. I was given the diagnosis of osteoporosis and I thought my life might as well be over. The day I finally got my T score and I "only" have osteopenia I was so happy, as though a great weight had been lifted from me. I felt lighter and lighter all that day. I wish that were possible for everyone.
Yes Katy, I took it for three years, but stopped because I would bleed for 16 days, 8 of which were very painful. I don't know why I persevered for so long. I didn't have any menopausal problems, I just took it because of my high risk of Osteoporosis. I considered the small risk of BC to be preferable to OP. Mum and gran both had Osteoporosis, & I have RA so it was a fairly high risk. I'll never know if the HRT caused my BC, I just know it was Oestrogen positive, so I now have to take an Aromatase Inhibitor to hopefully reduce the risk of the cancer coming back. I've also been on steroids for 16 months because of Vasculitis. I have been taking Adcal D3 since my chemo finished in May 2013, still do.
I'll mention Raloxifene to my GP, but I notice there can be a risk of blood clots. Something I am already at risk of because of Vasculitis. It also suggests those with high blood pressure or risk of stroke should avoid it.
I just can't win, can I!!

Thank you for your reply Poemsgalore1. I'm sorry to hear you've had these health problems. May I ask how old you were when you started HRT? You're going to think I'm crazy but my mother and sister both had breast cancer. At great expense I had the full genetic testing (not just the brca 1 and 2) and the results were good. My breast consultant thinks believe it or not, that I'd be a good candidate for HRT. Who knows! It's so tempting to do nothing...
I'm surprised they put you on HRT if you are at risk of blood clots, or did that come later?
I was in my mid 50s, and although mum also had BC in her 70s, it wasn't hereditary for either of us. The High blood pressure came later.
Thank you HeronNS. How lovely just to have osteopenia, I totally understand your elation. I don't have any signs of fractures but my Dexa scans for the last five years have shown osteoporosis in my spine and at the beginning osteopenia in my hip but that has now progressed to osteoporosis too. I so wish I could treat this naturally with exercise and nutrients.
Thank you very much for your essay, I will respond to that by message.
Hi 1965Katy Did you try HRT? I'm at the same stage as you were. 46 years old. Osteop gradually worse. Last DEXA scan results last week showed -3.3 has gone to -3.6 in my spine BUT slight improvement in my hips (-2.2 to -2.1 - it's small but, let's face it, when it's the first sign of things reversing, it's important, right?). So, decided, after a metatarsal stress fracture in May (too hard training from running) still had not healed 6 weeks ago (another check up this week to find out if FINALLY healed or not), and the results, I decided to discuss treatment. Of course, biphosphonates & prolia were suggested, but bone specialist said to look into it all and come back and we'll discuss it. She's not mentioned HRT yet (I stopped menstruating 20 years ago - not enough body fat) but someone mentioned it and I think that would seem MUCH better than risking getting those horrific side effects - I have a job, stressful one too, I'm sporty, I have active leisure time, travel, theatre etc etc I can't risk my entire world being wrecked. So, did you have HRT? Experiences? Improved DEXA scans? Would love to hear how your story has progressed.