Any liver cancer patients taking Lactulose. I started and am quitting after about 6 weeks. Could not tolerate the side effects. I tried several different dosing/timing strategies.
Lactulose: Any liver cancer patients... - Blue Faery Liver ...

My late husband Jimmy was on lactulose the last two years of his life. It did have side effects that he wasn't crazy about but he found out that it was much worse when not taking it. He'd not only have to deal with constipation but also with his Hepatic Encephalopathy causing problems. Have you spoken to your doctor about any suggestions they might have? I remember that Jimmy would often adjust the dosage and when he took it to allow for plans we might have during the day. Are you on any other medications for constipation or HE symptoms? Sharon Dixon

There are always other options. Always. I would ask your doctor. Personally, I put Miralax (the generic version) in my coffee almost every day. I've suffered from constipation my entire life. When my sister had liver cancer, she was given the prescription version of Colace. It didn't help very much. The doctors never mentioned that Miralax, which is a powder and more easily digestible (so important with HCC) was another option until she ended up in an emergency situation. We had to take her to the ER for a "digital disimpaction" (a gloved finger removing the stool from one's rectum). It was very painful. I made sure it never happened again.
Yes, please consult your doctor and have an open discussion.
Miralax is inert and tasteless, making it suitable for use with any liquid. Since lactulose and Miralax work with different mechanisms you can consult the doctor about alternating them in case the side effects are due to long-term use.
Yes, Jimmy almost had to do the impaction thing when he stopped taking his lactulose because of the diarrhea issues. Even with the other things he was taking, he got really constipated. The nurse gave him the option of me giving him an enema or her taking care of it the next morning. He decided me doing the enema was less embarrassing and less painful but that was the last time that he just flat refused to take it.

my husband was on rifaximin an oral pill used instead of lactulose and tolerated well. My daughter who has had chronic constipation from IBS started taking papaya pills a year ago and does not have to use MiraLAX or any probiotics any longer appeals have done the trick so you might ask your doctor about those alternatives.