Posts - High Blood Pressure Support | HealthUnlocked

High Blood Pressure Support

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All posts for September 2024

Annoying cough

After having off the scale bp readings a week ago the gp has kept me on ramipril...

Blood pressure medications that don’t cause reflux

I am on a combined dose of amlodipine (CCB) and candesartan (ARB), which has bee...
kushami36 profile image

Wine anyone?

Do I really have to give up my small glass of red, while on Lercanipidine It’s ...
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Losartan and Ibersartan

Hi all Just a bit of an update. I am now taking Irbesartan which amazingly I hav...


Hi have been on blod pressure meds for about 9 weeks 6 weeks on alodipine 5mg an...
29METAL profile image

Spliting lercanidipine 10mg

High I am on Lercanidipine 10mg for the past 3 weeks I take the 10mg at night ...
29METAL profile image

Low diastolic and higher systolic reading

I just wanted to ask a question if anyone has the same symptoms as me. I always ...
Jaslily profile image


HIgh BP isnt my primary condition. Have been on BP medication for years now and ...
Oztrax profile image

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