a year ago my partner had realy high blood preaure made him very snapy moody unwell then i phoned the dotors got him in they said he could have a stroke it was very high so the doctor gave him ramipill which made him cough and after 5 months they took him off it as his mouth had swollen up and tounge and gave him amloipine and lartson which up till a month sgo he was ok then he started haveing swollon feet and hankles and his legs selling now so went to the dotors again and she redused the amolipine and took him off lartson and he as a low dose of something begining with d so we are waiting for the chemist to let him know when the low dose of amlopipine is ready them the dotor sid after taking the low dose of amloipine go back to her after a month with a blood pesure chart . does anyone one else had swollon feet and legs on amlopine
can any one shine some light - High Blood Pressu...
can any one shine some light

Yes - it is a commonly reported side effect of Amlodipine.
I had a similar experience to your husband when my GP was trying to sort out my high blood pressure…eventually she referred me to a cardiologist as she just couldn’t get things sorted.
That cardiologist told me I had a good GP who knew when to stop trying and refer me to a specialist who could help me. That was many years ago I have been on the same medications with well controlled BP ever since. There is no point me telling you what I am on because that will probably not be suitable for your husband …but asking politely for a referral to a specialist might make a long journey a lot shorter. Faffing about for too long is enough to give your husband even worse high BP😩If funds allow, offering to have a private referral would probably speed things up.
Good Luck.
Yes, not unusual at all. I changed to Losartan and no problems at all.
very common side effect of Amlodipine if reduced to 5mg might well be fine, will take about 10 days to see a real change though