Hi all, I have HBP, and have gone through a whole load of very bad experiences with BP meds. But what is just amazing to me is that doctor's simply do not acknowledge that us humans can possibly not tolerate a lot of these ( I feel very toxic medications)
I saw at great expense, a professor in London possibly 2 years ago now, that told me I was multi drug intolerant to BP medications.
I know of one drug that immediately takes down my blood pressure, and my anxiety and that is Bisoprolol, but annoyingly I cannot even take that, because it affects my breathing so bad.
The side effects from bp meds for me are just horrendous, and makes my life at times not worth living, and that is not an exaggeration.
But here is the weirdest thing, I had HBP when I had my first child at 17, so for years after that I was taking a drug called Amias, which now, If I am correct is called Candasartan. Everything was fine until I hit the wonderful menopause, and one day whilst walking my dogs I said to my husband, Oh god I can't breathe, I must have a chest infection or something. Anyway I went to doc's and they said you have asthma !!! I have never had asthma in my life, so saw a specialist asthma nurse, she did a new test and said you don't have asthma it is your BP meds.
I could actually feel like my body was changing in menopause, and for me it was very tough.
So here I am at 67 with HBP, my doctor's just think I am nut's I believe, because they do not have a clue how these medications affect different people, and I am now totally obsessed fearing for the worst, a stroke or heart attack. I don't know what to do.