Hi there, other than low salt and drinking plenty of water, is there any food you eat that helps lower blood pressure? Want to avoid medication if possible. Thanks in advance for your help
Food that help reducing high blood pr... - High Blood Pressu...
Food that help reducing high blood pressure

I remember the game from Big Ph, in which utterly sound people were tested for "something", were told to be positive, then were told to be obliged to take some "protection", if not because of themselves, than because of others around them. Just look for the real consequences (videos of Dr John Campbell and others). Sound people were told to be ill!
Did you ever hit the idea, to be trying to solve the problem (HBP) which actually does not exist!? If I feel excellent with BP 150/100 (70 of age), why would I take pills to lower it!? Because somebody has prescribed that it should not be above 120/80!? For the sake of profit, they have changed the deffinitions of pandemia, of vaccines and who knows what else. Always the dear profit!
The newest game is named "parasites". There are parasites in some people, more often in children. But now, we have a pandemic of parasites. Everybody should undergo, at least 2 times a year, the drug treatment to get rid of (most probably non existing) parasites in the body. Can you immagine the ammount of sold medications for that purpose and the profit in perspective!?
The more I get to know humans, the more I like the animals (not my sentence, but I like it so much!).

at 60 my bp was 160/90 at 70 in docs 172/90 felt fine, like a fool took bp pills was ill for over a year ,now at 74 in a week or 2 ive no idea what bp is and dont intend to check,i feel good,walk 10 miles a day ,dance act the fool etc,why put myself at stress if its not 120/80 it has never been that in my lifetime, the only thing i take is half a baby aspirin, startet at 40 years of age on and off since then,eat drink be happy,you only here once, you will stress yourself like most on bp pills and still die , worrying about no salt,drink water,beetroot juice what a life, it only covers the symptoms not the cause, usually anxiety,idleness now that will get a responce lol, stuffing your self with crap does not help but you can still have high bp if you fit,its natural as u age like going grey or bald.
It is a good idea with aspirin. I took it when I was about 40, for about a year, then forgot about it. When I first was diagnosed with PVCs (premature ventricular contractions), as an introduction in other cardiac arrhythmias, I was given the medication (my best friend is a doctor) - do not remember what it was, but I was slowed down and almost unable to speak properly. I said, it is not for me! Never took it again!
I eat everything my folks have ever eaten, I drink moderately, I can work hard, and I have no evidence at GPs. OK, I am only 70, there is plenty of time for it, lol...

I felt fine with high blood pressure for many years too. Ignored the doctors like you too. I was feeling fine when it caused a stroke too. Even drove myself to the hospital. Hopefully the brain cells that were killed were the ones that ignored the problem. Good luck with yours.
You made my day! I like your reply so much!
How can you be sure that high BP caused your stroke!? If you had the bursting of the blood vessel, it maybe was not because of excess pressure, maybe simply the spot on the line was week...! I will not be sorry if some day I suffer the stroke as my fault! But I would feel manipulated if I would let them make me put tonns of medications through my kidneys for nothing, just because somebody draw the red line.

I hear ya man. My neurologist is focusing mainly on my blood pressure. But to be honest, it was made worse by high cholesterol, which I also ignored. Neither one made sense because I always lived a healthy lifestyle and felt fine. Now I cannot stand the side effects of statins for cholesterol. I would honestly rather just die than live like they make me feel. So I take the BP meds but not the statins.
We have to forgive doctors because they don't know from experience like patients do. They have to go by the book. And those books generalize everybody.
Phil, you definitely know the following - there are about 30 syndromes and chronic disease with "unknown cause and no cure" (from asthma, over CFS, to cardiac arrhythmias and cancer). How is it possible that there are so many causes that can not be discovered!? Because there is a single cause, which has different possible manifestations - it is disturbed functioning of the automatics in human body. MDs wrongly blame high BP for many syndromes and disease, despite it is only one of the possible manifestations of "dysautonomia" which goes hand in hand with many others, but is not causing them. Strangely, nobody is talking about it. Still more strangely, nobody seams to be interested in researching it, because there are countless medications sold to ease the problems of the mentioned syndromes...

I will look into that since I have one of those "rare diseases". But I don't want to go into any conspiracy stuff. The medical industry has openly stated that so few people have it they are not going to spend any money studying it. You know, because of there's not enough profit.
Beetroot juice, 125 mls daily . If you google it you will get the details . Its an acquired taste . I really like the taste but many dont.
hi hedgehogan, salt (proper salt) is not your problem. Sugar is. Eat plenty of unprocessed foods, limited carbs as they are sugar. Look at dr Ken berry, dr David unwin and others.
Hi HedgehoganI was diagnosed with hbp. And was prescribed tablets but couldn't tolerate horrid side effects.
So I started eating healthier ie cooking meals from scratch.
If I do use salt I only use a tiny bit compared to what I used to use. I've started having homemade smoothies again for breakfast.
1 banana blueberrys pomegranate handful of baby spinach all really good for hbp.
Hope this helps you
Kind regards
High blood pressure is not something to ignore. I did and it triggered a mini stroke which took half my eyesight away. So now I take my high blood pressure meds and keep a daily check on it with home blood pressure devices. Now I can tell when it is running high and I keep several forms of beetroot here. It does lower pressure pretty fast but not long term. I have juice in the fridge and beet chews in the cabinet. And I take my Lisinopril daily.
that is frightening...BP values have to be monitored...I eat one boiled beetroot bulb daily..boiled whole uncut...after dinner as a desert !!...seems to work...or is it that I have resumed my daily power walks, shed a few pounds and drink one cup of coffee and one drink of wine per day, and eat foods that I cook, with minimal salt,eat lots of fruits, nuts and bolts !!..day 13 of no pills..so far BP is in the green range...I was on Amlodipine 5 mg which I cut in half...now will try intermittent fasting too..I am 79...try to stave off the medications curse as long as possible...
Beets, hibiscus tea, hawthorn, horsetail
I see, hedgehogan, that you posted a while ago but I’ve only just caught up with this. Along with beetroot juice, which is meant to be helpful, you are recommended to eat a diet that’s low in salt (but DONT eliminate it, you need some!), and have plenty of veg and fruit.
I see you are on the other side of the world to the UK, but may I direct you to a helpful website? This is Blood Pressure UK, a charity concerned with …. have you guessed? This give helpful info on diet and exercise etc etc.
yes...one Iranian lady at the Persian food store was packing lots of beetroots and turnips...so I asked her..what the deal was...she said she was a naturopath and beets and turnips taken each day really cleansed the liver and also brought the bp down...been doing just the beets...certainly has given me tons of energy and am sleeping 7 -8 hours ..good sleep...alongwith other life style changes, my BP is now averaging 130/80..just some info to share..may help someone..it has been 8 days since I went off the 2.5mg Amlodipine...all against the doctor's advice !!!
Advacado Celery and Beetroot are all good.Drink it in tea if you can't eat is my at any time such as Hibiscus tea.