High blood pressure, scared - High Blood Pressu...

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High blood pressure, scared

Bp499279 profile image
12 Replies

Ok so my blood pressure dropped from 161/108 to 130/93 in 5 days, now my doctor put me on metropolol er 25 mg and im scared to take them... any advice??

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Bp499279 profile image
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12 Replies
kalif profile image

i have been bringing my blood pressure down with diet,im doing a doctor channing diet you can find it on the internet.my BP is bought on by anxiety.i am very frightened of medication i have a very bad problem with it..i also do a lot of walking.i am open to any advice as well ,alway willing to try anything...

in reply to kalif

I know how you feel, I have high blood pressure and I'm on 10mg Amlodopine, 10mg Ramipril, 10mg Bisoprolol, 10mg Doxazosin, 10mg Moxonidine and 2.5mg Indapamide. I have stopped taking them because they have damaged my heart, they cause it to beat really fast. The last episode I was rushed into hospital, it was beating at 242bpm it caused a Cardiac Arrest. The advice I was given, was to cut down on my salt I take, Alcohol intake and my caffeine intake. It hasn't worked, so I am under the Cardiologist, I wore a 24 hour blood pressure monitor, it showed an average of 217/163 daytime and 193/156 nighttime. An echocardiogram showed I have an enlarged heart, they are scratching their heads at the moment.

Maxyz3 profile image
Maxyz3 in reply to kalif

There is a lot of material on the Internet about natural remedies for lowering the bp. Anything you can do other then the Meds is a good alternative. The Meds may fix the bp somewhat but in turn can screw up something else in the body.

Mary1953 profile image

I have anxiety driven hypertension too. Have they tried xanax? It works for me. I take it in addition to atenalol 25mg. Ask your Dr.

Maxyz3 profile image

I would start out with a lower dose..I would cut the 25 mg metrplol in half to get your system used to the med first.

You should buy a bp monitor to see how your pb is starting on a lower dose. When starting a new med I always insist on starting with a lower dose to see how the med is going to work. Some Meds take 1-2 weeks to fully get into your system. Don't worry your not alone..for some reason millions of people are having to go on pb meds, we aren't alone.

Bp499279 profile image
Bp499279 in reply to Maxyz3

Yes that was what i did but then before i swallowed it i spit it out. Last night i bought a bp monitor and my bp was 160/108 at 3am i couldnt sleep with my anxiety so i took a 10mg valium and fell asleep but need to be on meds i think...

kalif profile image
kalif in reply to Bp499279

i think i have a phobia against my monitor,when i put it on my heart races and i know my pressure is going up,im just afraid its going to be high so my anxiety kicks in its just a vicious circle im trapped in,if i could have a low reading then i wouldnt be anxious and my reading would be lower..happy days....

Maxyz3 profile image
Maxyz3 in reply to kalif

I was like you in the beginning the anxiety was through the roof. Once I found the right med and dose the anxiety level decreased. Now I say "oh well , it is what it is"! I was taking my pb reading 3 times a day then. Now I take it maybe every other day. I got so sick of worrying about it in the beginnin to the point I was obsessed with it. That was not healthy for me.

ThyroidThora profile image


Have you looked at your diet? Grapefruit is very good at bringing down blood pressure. My hubby gets very high blood pressure because he's in a lot of pain due to very bad arthritis in his ankles, and when he has grapefruit it naturally brings it down without tablets.

Plus, have you thought about white coat syndrome? Some people react quite badly to drs taking blood pressure and my hubby gets very anxious because he has to have steroid injections into his ankles for the pain but the drs at the hospital always to threaten to not do the procedure because of his blood pressure. This makes him very worried and anxious and puts his blood pressure up so, it becomes a viscous cycle until they relent and give him his injection. Finding out the cause of your blood pressure will help because you can then change things for the better.

Good luck and try not to worry too much as this will make your blood pressure worse.

Have a good weekend and take care of yourself.

TT x.

Maxyz3 profile image

How did you get your bp down to the 130/93 from 161/108? With or without a med?

Maxyz3 profile image

Take 1/2 the med and see how you do for a few days. Can't hurt and besides we have the right to stop any med we don't like. It is our body.

My doctor used to scare the heck out of members would throw his arms in the air and yellow. YOUR GOING TO HAVE A STROKE!! Dr.s are not compassionate when it comes to sensative people with anxiety. What do you think this did to my BP when I had to go back to have my BP checked by this guy!

After several bad medication reactions from "Trusted" Doctors I have been very skeptical of doctors and their bed mates the big drug companies.

You mentioned 130/93 which is not a bad number...

Some people take half the medication for a couple of days/weeks and see if there are any side effects instead of taking the full dose (pill splitting)

BP Meds are not a cure anyways so you have to change your nutrition and lifestyle if you want to control and manage your high BP.

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