there have been posts in this blood pressure forum on the DASH diet.
In the UK this wouldn’t be recommended by the health professionals as such, as it uses American measurements with which those of us in the UK are unfamiliar (what on earth is ‘half a cup of carrots’.? ). And some food with which we are not particularly familiar.
the Eatwell plan promoted within the NHS is more to the taste, so as to speak, of those of us who live in the UK. although it was designed some years ago. Current research on different types of fats means that this plan’s reliance on “low fats” is not really correct.
The Mediterranean diet, so-called, is well publicised and is a good plan to aim for. Eating in moderation is good, snacking isn’t so good.
And gradually increased exercise, by which I mean increasing intensity and more of it, can do you a lot of good too!